XVIII: Path to Oblivion

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Dad and I stood behind myself mum Kida and Vadius as the grey ladies had stopped arguing with the us in the vision, and began telling us some story. Eons ago, there was once a hero, he and his wife lived peaceful together with three children.
When his wife was taken a s a bargaining chip, he was a strong half blood likes of which no one has or will ever see again, no one knew his hair colour be cause he preferred to be bald, he had unmatched strength speed and agility, he was invulnerable, and his skin IMPENETRABLE!!!

He goes by the name Agrius Madero, Son of Selene, Titaness of the moon, His unmatched strength made him more than a god, he was never ill, nor could he be injured. And could only die of old age. Other than that he was unstoppable. Immune to fire, lightning, winds, drowning him is pointless, he could withstand, the Empire State Building being thrown at him, he wouldn't budge.

Chaos wanted to have Agrius join his ranks, to persuade him chaos took his wife a mere mortal to Oblivion, with no way to escape, she became good friends with Chaos.

Chaos and Mary were together for two years before Agrius made it to Oblivion, by combining the scythe of Kronos, Zeus's Bolt Poseidon's Trident and Hades' pitchfork, became dual wielded spears.
Planted in the ground by the gods makes a doorway to to Oblivion, this can only be performed by the Hades and the twelve Olympians, except there is one teensy problem, the scythe of Kronos is in the underworld.

Hades Poseidon Hermes Hephaestus Ares Apollo grabbed one spear, and forced it into the ground
Hera Athena Artemis Demeter Aphrodite and Hestia had the other and punctured the ground with itZeus grabbed hold of both, send thunder through them both, a veil glowed between the spears, and Agrius walked through them, and made it to Oblivion to rescue his beloved Mary, by joining Chaos' ranks.
And to this very day Mary and Agrius still live, blessed by Chaos.

For two years he fought his way through Tartarus to find the scythe of Kronos, and earning the trust of the Olympians. It was bitter and tough but he did it. Giants, Cyclopes, even some Maenads and a Krakken too.

"Wow seems dreamy" Kida said, daydreaming of what he would look like.

"Keep dreaming sister, did you not hear, he has a lover already" Vadius teased.

"You're such a buzzkill sister" Kida groaned.

"No one knows, besides us, what happened when Mary was alone with Chaos" said the tall one.

"Seek out the four greatest weapons and summon hades to mount Olympus, and you will make it to Onlivion" said the chubby one.

"And safe travels" said the third and they all laughed and retreated deeper into the cave.

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