XIV: Under The Sea

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I woke in a daze the next morning to see Sasha kneeled next to me, "why were you crying in your sleep, not to mention, holding me and kissing my forehead?" She asked, as my eyes widened with embarrassment.

"Uh, sorry emotional dream" I tried covering up my actions.

"Don't be sorry, it happens to the best of us" she replied, "but you said, okay I will, what exactly will you do?" She asked.

"Uh family thing have you seen my mum?" I asked her, sitting up in bed.

"She woke half an hour ago, since then she has brushed her hair eaten and bagged some supplies, as for where she is now I'm not sure" she replied I don't know why she was staring at me for so long, with that kinda stare that bugged me. Anyway I brushed my hair and my teeth, and the water washed my face for me.

I love my HydroKinesis, it is so handy, but I miss BlackSpot, I left Blackspot with Makesty, mum was waiting at the shore Vadius said, "we should head out" Kida suggested as she mounted WingShade.

"Time wasters hold on to me, NOW!!!" I snapped, but surprisingly the obeyed they obeyed, "come back soon you hear me?" Sasha said hugging me, her hair smelled of the things I love ocean chocolate and bacon, yummy.

"Definitely, I will be back, with my daddy hopefully, I want you to meet him, but I really should go" I said as we sunk into the ground, Rose from the ground next to Mum, she was waiting for me to call summon Majesty, but majesty was at home, "I guess I we will need her help huh?" I asked

"Yes, you may be my sons grand daughter but you live more on land than you do in the water, now just go get her" mum demanded.

I had let go of Kida vadius and WingShade, and sunk into the ground again, I came from the sand in Majesty's cave or house, place she called home, Majesty was startled.

"Tabetha, how'd you get in here?" Asked Majesty, with eyes wider than mine when Sasha woke me up.

"Oh sorry for the intrusion but we need you again, I can TerraTravel, teleporting as long as I have access to some form of earth, like the sand here" I tried explaining, "we have an underwater mission in the pacific and we need you"

Majesty swam in circles, thinking, "I'm in" she said suddenly, "so how do we get there?"

I swam closer to Majesty, "I'll take you there, but after that we go deep" I replied placing my hand on her Neck, together Majesty and I sunk into the sand, before surfacing in the Pacific Ocean on the shore we met Sasha.

"Once again, very impressive Tabetha" vadius complimented one of my many talents, Kida whistled and suddenly a small breeze wafted past materialising in front of Kida, "Vadius, meet Majesty, she's a good friend to me and WingShade" Kida smiled, as the creature rubbed it's head on her hand.

"It's a ventus, wind spirits, cool" I stated, "let's seek out my aunt or niece or whatevs"

They joined me in the surf. The water covered me and swirled, when in the water calmed I had taken on a new form, "now I'm half fish half adorable" I smiled.

"WRONG, you are all adorable" Mum said, kissing my forehead.

I rolled my eye back at her, "you're supposed to that, you're my mother" I said crossing my arms and frowned.

Kida stepped closer, "she's right you know, you're very pretty" Kida said.

"thanks, I guess" I said as we swam deeper and deeper.

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