XVII: Keeping the secret

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I faded into a dream, suddenly I was somewhere I'd never been, I was in some sort of cave system, when I saw mum and dad, together, I ran over when dad called to me, "Tabby, I have been waiting for you to fall asleep"

I realised I was in a dream and the only real person there was dad. So I was instantly on guard 'don't spill' I told myself. I tried to act normal.

"Don't spill what?" Dad asked. Suddenly curious.

"I kind of have a secret!!!" I said blushing as I thought of Sasha, "I have a boyfriend", hoping dad would believe my lie.

"What's his name?" Dad asked with a seriously agitated look on his face.

I folded my arms thinking of the horrible things he could do if anyone slightly upset me, I scanned my future to see my first boyfriend.

I drifted into another scene.
He was an army brat, his father was a liuetenant colonel in 23rd Airborne division, charleston USA.
He had a twin sister and he has a half sister and step mother, his dad called to him "Brandon front and centre young man, bring your little sister" he shouted in a calm tone. He always did that which seemed to annoy Brandon.

They drooped their way into his presence, "stand straight, when I'm talking to you, now it's your mothers birthday, and I've wanted to do something special before she gets home from work, okay Brandon, what time does your step mother arrive home?" He asked.

"Seventeen hundred sir" Brandon replied.

"Kenna what do we do when she walks in the door?" he asked

"Take everything from her hands and make her sit down and put her feet up sir" replied Kenna

"Very good, and Brandon what will you be doing?" Their dad asked.

"sitting in my room and pretending I don't exist" Brandon answered, scratching his head and sighing, "helping you with dinner" Brandon moaned.

Brandon sighed he was cute, with his dark hair, "why did Emma get to go out tonight?" Brandon asked

"Her night was planned months ago, you made plans ten minutes ago to avoid tonight, that crap isn't gonna fly with me boy" Jack wasn't happy with Brandon's attitude lately. Brandon huffed sitting on the sofa.

"Bye dad my ride is here" she tried running out the door. "Hey not so fast, come here young lady!!!"

Emma's friend and her dad were at the door, "we don't have to rush, Hi Brandon" Belinda blushed.

Brandon purposely hid his face behind his Nintendo DS so Belinda couldn't see him blushing. "He's totally into you" Emma joked

"Am not, DAD EMMA IS LYING AGAIN" Brandon moaned.

"See no rush, now come hug dad and stop teasing your twin brother" Jack told Emma

"I need help Enyo, our twins are a handful, especially when Layla isn't home" Jack prayed to the twins mother.

My vision blurred, and I was back in the cave "Tabetha" dad was shaking me back to the cave, "what is his name?" Dad asked

"His name is Brandon" I said, "he's funny, cute, shy around pretty girls, and gorgeous"

"I should like to meet him when I get back" dad said, "and tell him how things are if he wants even a single date with you"

"Don't embarrass me dad" I moaned, "or I'm not saving you!!!"

"C'mon honey, don't be like that, I do it because I care" dad told me.

"But you don't care enough to trust me" I cried, "you still treat me like a baby I'm nearly nine, and you will be home before my birthday next week Apollo showed me"

"Honey, I care too much to see your heart get broken, remember how you felt when I blushed in Persephone's presence?, I don't want to feel that if this guy looks at another girl funny"

But I was sick of being treated like a child, he is my nephew in the end, I am daughter of Rhea, I can't change how much I love my dad, that's the weird thing no matter how much I hate dad, he still loves me.
I can take care of myself, anyone breaks my heart I'll send them to Tartarus personally, so what's the big deal? But it would still hurt.

"I trust you dad, I will entrust you with not embarrasing me" I told him.

Meanwhile my dreamstate body was with Mum, Kida, and Vadius talking to these old ladies who have clearly not moisturised in a long time. Two of them had no eyes and the third had one.

"These three have many names, we will just call them the grey ladies, these oracles are the most powerful, everything they see, has happened or will happen, Apollo could be wrong but not these three" dad explained.

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