XXVI: Priority One

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Another three hours past before I realised waiting for mum to wake up isn't going to bring dad back, but mums warm embrace was too comfortable, I don't want to get up and go fight monsters, Mums love was so much better, but I must go, I love dad too.

I crawled out from underneath Mums arm. "Is anyone ready to go on ahead? Brother bring Mum to Tartarus when she wakes...and take care" I grab hades and don't give him a choice to reject my hug offer, "Thank you for letting us crash here Bro"

"That Manticore is going with you, she can help, she is very quick and agile she will definitely be of use.

"We can talk later dad, Bye" Vadius grabbed hold of me, Kida hugged a Hades too, "we'll be back, I'm a huntress, nothing down there can stop me" hades sat up straight in his throne, watching his girls kinda grow up, as Kida doesn't really age, but she is maturing just as much.

Kelly nick and Shelby stayed behind with Mum Hades and Persephone.

"Wait a second, what's happening? Asked Brandon, totally oblivious to the plan.

"Well I am on a rescue mission, I can't stay, my dad needs me now more than ever, I have less than three days till I turn nine and my dad is supposed to be with me at home, come with me if you want, I need the scythe of Kronos to get to his location so I'm off to Tartarus" I explained.

I returned to Mums side, "I will save him Mum I promise" and I began to whisper, "I swear it on the river Styx". Squeezed her as tight as I could and grasped her hands and kissed her forehead, rallied my team.

Kida, Vadius, Brandon Sasha and the Manticore, "hmmmm, I'll call you Velocity, you're so fast, let's descend into Tartarus" I said, and everyone grabbed on to me. and we vanished into the floor.

The second we left I heard Mum bellow in pain.

We made it Tartarus alive, "I must go back, Mum was in pain" I cried as I collapsed on the ground, "I knew it was too soon to leave my mum needs me and I just left her there, I tried to Terratravel back, but it wasn't working.

Kida tried helping me up but I just pushed her away and sulked, "please honey let me help" Kida chided.

"If you want to help, then take me back to Hades place I need to know why my a mum was screaming in pain", I couldn't stop crying.

"sorry honey I can barely jump that far on my own, I'm not Blessed by Rhea like you are, my shadow travel isn't that good, our best bet is to find the scythe and hopefully you will be calm enough to take us all home".

"That still doesn't help, okay that scythe is our number one priority" I said holding back my tears, which was proving difficult, "move out soldiers" I yelled, but who was I kidding, I'm an emotional mess, mum is in Pain dad is gone, grandmother needs her revenge, and if not for her then for myself.

When suddenly a Cyclopes appears from around the corner and he stumbled closer, he was about to stand on me, just as fast as he stomped his foot, something saved me.

I find Velocity had had my sleeve in her mouth, "thank you" I said patting her head, and just like that I was patting fresh air, she was gone.i looked left right even behind me but I couldn't see her, I heard her roar, and I looked up, she was Amazing, letting her tail spikes fly from midair. The Cyclopes clutched his eye, and retreated walking straight into the cliff, we all gave her a silent round of applause, we didn't want anymore attention, I really owed a Velocity, I was in no position to fight.

Brandon offered to piggy back me, I cried for the next hour, constantly asking Brandon if he was okay with carrying me, which his answer was always the same.

"You need to rest, that many people in one jump can't have been easy, and with your Mum in pain as we left, I understand that pain. My dad told me the story of how my Mum, was cast from Olympus when SHE was born" Brandon said after I asked him if he was okay for the hundredth time.

"Wait who is your Mum" I asked, I didn't realise but my cheeks were right next to his, as I leaned on his shoulder.

"I am Brandon son of Enyo, wait till you meet Emma she has been missing for a while, like a month ago she went on a mission and I haven't seen her since, she's my twin and I miss her deeply"

I offered my condolences, hoping it helped, he thanked me of course, he maybe the son of a war goddess, but his dad was strict with manners when talking to girls, "if there are girls you like treat them as if they are your world", His dad would say, while on his back I drifted into thought, and unintentionally saw our friendship evolve, we were sitting at home on the docks. And I gasped when I saw myself kiss him, I blushed and decided to keep that to myself.

"I think I can walk now thanks Brandon", I could tell he liked me from the way he stared, so I kissed him, "thanks for the piggy back ride" I said walking beside him.

Kida and Vadius were following on behind, "did you just see what I saw?" Kida whispered.

"No, what did you see?" Vadius replied.

"I can see Tabby and Brandon just as easily as you can" Kida smiled.

"Wait you don't mean?" Vadius looked at Kida wide eyed.

"Yep Tabby and Brandon, I'm guessing they will be dating before either of them are fourteen!" Kida smirked.

"You are most welcome" Brandon said wiping the sweat from his brow, suddenly it got a lot hotter,, we made it to the the phlegethon, I felt a tiny hand grab mine and before I knew it, My hand was in Brandon's.

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