VI: Pain of a great Loss

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Before I could answer Tabetha, Amphitrite was gone, Tabetha became visible again, "I'm going to make her hurt" Tabetha frowned infuriated with rage, she stormed off to her room.

She spent the next week in her room, missing her grandmother for whom she was named and never met. During this time she grew up and matured, her face was always serious, no longer referred to me as daddy, but called me father.

Then she thought to herself, 'am I descended from Apollo am I not?' She flew down to the Forrest as a crow, where she became a beaver and began chewing at a tree, she was very resourceful, as I taught her well, she then became a unicorn and plucked a single hair from her tail, to make her own bow.

Now all she needed was ammo, she retrieved teeth from a shark carcass on the ocean floor, gnawed down another tree for sticks, solid sturdy ones. Turned in a crow and and plucked out some of her feathers.

Mounting her shark teeth as a tip to her more thing she needed, liquid hot celestial bronze. She tracked down her cousin a son of Hephaestus, on a ranch north of Colorado. His name was Tommy Jay

He melted some celestial bronze in his Greek fire furnace.
She dipped the tooth in liquid celestial bronze and plunged it into water.

With a bow and some arrows she had a target made for herself, immediately she was very skilled. She fashioned a target, long green grass for hair painted eyes as blue as the deep sea, took aim at her target, "I will never call you grandmother" she mumbled to herself, the thought of Amphitrite murdering Tabetha deeply hurt Tabby, she vowed Amphitrite would pay, she returned home for lunch, "Father I would like to meet with great uncle Hades, I wish to see grandmother" tabby asked.

"you know how happy that would make me"I told her, "but I can ask your Aunt Kida, it's the best I can do"

"Hades is my brother I'm sure he would help a sister" she thought, "father? I am calling Aunt Kida" she willed the water to throw her a drachma from the fish tank, she flew to the shore where she had the ocean spray water.

"Iris accept my offering, I need to speak with Kida, a Daughter of Hades" and she tossed the drachma into the rainbow.

Kida was camping, in a tower watching over town terrified by a cyclops, it was raining and cold and dark, "sorry for the interruption, Kida, are you busy?" Tabby asked

"Never too busy for you dear, so what do I owe the pleasure of your call?" She said

"I would like to speak with my brother, your father to be precise" Tabby had a determined look in her eyes, she crossed her arms continuing to frown.

"Gods, dear what happened?" Asked Kida

"I was recently told what happened to my grandmother, and I would like to hear it from her" cried Tabby, "I gotta hear it from her, I'll do a quest for Hades if he requires it"

"No tabby, it's too dangerous" I pleaded to no avail.

"I gotta know, join me father, u can't stop me" she gave me a moment to think

"I would love to see her, I guess I we can see what we can do for Hades, I doubt it'll be easy" I said

Kida grinned, "so am I, setting up an audience with dad or not?"

"Yes please, I would like to see her once more" I said, as she vanished into the shadows and the vision of the dark alley faded. Tabetha wept and leaned on me, "I gotta know father, I need to meet her" Tabby said
It was obvious she wanted to know she is loved.

I hugged her back, she looked at me with her blue eyes, and I kissed her forehead, "you be careful, no matter what" I told her, "I'll be there, but even my abilities have limits, let's go home and rest before we meet with Hades"

She grabbed my shoulder and we dropped into the ground and rose from the ground at the front step of the house, I was woozy, and stumbled, I sat on the step, Tabetha pulled me up and we walked inside as I shook my head. I shook off the terratravelling lag, didn't seem to be affecting Tabetha.

We went to slumber in our own beds, with only thoughts to keep us company, I rolled over wondering how Amphitrite could commit such an act.

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