XXXIV: Sebastian is mine

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"I have a brother and sister of my age" I was totally gobsmacked. "I knew I did, someone tampered with my memories" I want to greet them like the brother and sister they were.

But instead, Sinbad swooshed over to Ree and Sebastian on a wave of seawater, "miss me?" sinbad asked, and kissed Ree on the lips, Ree cried, "Nooooooo it can't be" Ree fell to the ground, one arm still holding Sebastian, and the other supporting their weight.

I return my Gaze to Ree, "Back away from my Fiancé" I warned him.

"I just wanted to meet my son" Sinbad said.

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN, your son?" I asked unbeknownst to anyone here.

"I thought Sinbad was you, I believed to this day that was you, but Sinbad is Sebastian's father" Ree said.

It hadn't completely sunk in yet so I was still calm, "okay so how did this happen?' I asked staring at Ree, then Sinbad then at Sebastian, and back to Ree. My mind still boggled trying to comprehend My fiancé telling me my son is the son of my brother, inside I was mortified, but I just wanted to know why.

"Well I met her on Olympus when she called me Bob and started smothering me, what was I gonna do say no?, of course not, I'm sorry bro, I had no idea, I never would have otherwise, and congratulations grandmother on your engagement to becoming my sister in law" Sinbad said.

"Okay Sinbad, this is how it's gonna go down, Sebastian is mine, and as far as Tabetha is concerned that is her brother, I don't mind him biologically being your son, but it's my name on his birth certificate.

"What about me can I hold him?" Asked Cara, and she held out her arms to Sebastian.

Ree looked at me as if to ask, 'is it okay?'.

"Meet your nephew Cara, he already likes you" I gave Sebastian to Cara.

"Okay, well I'm headed home, before Hera falls asleep in my bed again" Zeus vanished in a flash of lightning.
Poseidon vanished in to the waves. Persephone and Hades retreated into the darkness.

Ree was still sulking in my arms and Sebastian chuckled happily with Cara, Shelby followed dad into the sea, with Nick and Kelly in tow.

Sinbad and I were off on the wrong foot due to, a misunderstanding, I tried to let it go and put the past behind us, "no hard feelings as long as Sebastian is mine? " I offered.

Sinbad wasn't so bad, he shook on it, agreeing to my terms.

We sat down and had a beer, with Ree on my lap, even Amphtirite pulled up a chair. We stared at one another across the table, "alright, dad's gone now what do you want?" I ask my evil step-mother.

"It's not exactly a matter of what I want, it's a matter of what I'm gonna take" Amphitrite smirked.

"Let's go", Amphitrite called and Cara rushed off with Amphitrite and Sebastian.

Sinbad was ditched and left here with us.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 26, 2015 ⏰

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