XX: Bob and Agrius

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We were all holding hands again, even my brother was quiet. "Dad first and then Agrius" I answered.

"Bob it is, when bob left your ah Trio he was sent to Oblivion, also known as the realm of Chaos" said Deino.

"Only one person has made it there without the help of Chaos, and now it must be done again, if you ever hope to save him" said Enyo.

"I'll save him, even if it cost me my life" mum said.

"Mum no, we'll save dad together, no need for sacrifices, I'll protect you!" I replied

Mum sighed muttering to herself, "we're coming my love the three of us" and she closed her eyes and held the underside of her own belly. Which by the way you couldn't even tell my brother was there.

The third sister leaned in, "now history is to repeat itself" said Pemphredo.

"Seek out the scythe of Kronos and on your way up from Tartarus, collect your brother Hades, and make sure he has his pitchfork" Enyo mentioned.

"Bob is in Oblivion, the realm of chaos you must first gather the great weapons of the gods, the scythe, the bolt, the trident and the pitchfork, then with the Olympians and Hades, make the doorway to Oblivion" said Enyo, pulling the eyeball out of her eye socket.mum turned to vomit, "I'm sorry" mum said, "the eye just"

Mum vomited even more, I turned to her, and caught it with hydro kinesis, and picked up the rest too, umm "where can I put this?" I asked, looking around. When Shelby summoned a bucket just as she did with the table. The vomit tipped itself in the bucket, "is it safe to look" mum asked wiping her mouth on a napkin Shelby just summoned, "thanks sweetie" mum managed.

"Now how Agrius how got the scythe of Kronos, he was out numbered a thousand to one, he made it through about hundred and fifty monsters before he fell, and he was unconscious. That night the moon rose, a dazzling circle in the night sky, the moonlight reinvigorated Agrius, with new found strength, and a bow with a quiver filled with arrows" Deino explained. "Blessed by his mother Selene"

He tore through the rest of the monsters very easily, with a silver sword, made of the purest silver, it was blessed by his mother to be lethal to monster and the Devine, and must be blessed to be able to harm mortals, however, when Agrius made it to Kronos, he was alone and called in some help, he needed a distraction, with time on Kronos' side this wouldn't be easy, he called wolves and. Pegasi to his aid, as he rode his best friend a Pegasus named sunspot, he was a gray horse with a white patch on his flank." Enyo said.

"Lord Kronos was distracted, it was now or never, Agrius drew back on the string and released his arrows simultaneously, Directly in the eyes and he faultered backwards, howling in agony as his eyeballs burst into flames, so Agrius sent another arrow down his throat as he was howling in pain, and he disintegrated dropping piece by piece, but not fast enough, he sent three more down his throat, and the Titan of time dropped his scythe" Pemphredo finished.

"He returned to the black mansion and with hades he made his way to Olympus, where he and the gods made the doorway to Oblivion, and now you all shall repeat this if you ever hope to save Bob!" Deino muttered.

"Aren't you going to tell them what Agrius found in Oblivion?" Asked Enyo.

"Wait, there's more?" I said, obviously puzzled.

Deino continued.............
Nothing that would concern you, but Agrius, stepped through the doorway to see something, didn't want to see, Mary had her lips forced unto those of Chaos, "Ahem" Agrius interrupted.

Mary coughed, she knew that sound anywhere, "Agrius, you made it I was worried you would never return to me" Mary rushed to his arms, but Agrius did not hug her back. "You may go, but you two have your own passage back Earth, as I may summon you here again, but Agrius there's one more thing I'd like to offer you" said Chaos

"Oh and what would that be?" Agrius asked.

"Immortality, in exchange for your loyalty to me, I'll summon you, when I need you again" Chaos stated his terms, "the immortality will be for both of you of course, what's a hero without his prize, and what a prize indeed" he continued only to tease.

"Accepted" Agrius smirked, and together returned through the doorway and back to Olympus, and they are still alive today" Enyo sighed.

"Looks like our next stop is Tartarus" said mum, and she held her lips again, and her eyes went big again.

"Thank you ladies but we should head out" Kida said out of the blue.

"Yes, you should all be on your way" said Enyo, and we all stood thanking one another.

"Visit again soon" said Pemphredo.

"Why do you always say that?, no one ever visits more than once" said Deino.

"We'd be lucky if they did, It never happens" said Enyo.

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