XXVII: Soldier On

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I looked at Brandon and I wanted to pull my hand away but he gripped my hand tighter, Sasha stood beside me on my left and Brandon on my right when Sasha slipped down the bank, I reacted on instinct, I sunk into the ground and came up from the ground directly below her, but it was too late her ankle was twisted on the slip, but I caught her anyway, "Are you okay" I asked, she tried to put on a brave face for me but it didn't work, "I should be okay" she tried to stand but fell down again just as quickly.

"We must keep moving" I became a unicorn and had Brandon put her on my back. We continued along the phlegethon.

We heard rocks crumble behind us but no one was there, and then again, I heard footsteps. But didn't find anyone.

Whoever we heard they were very stealthy, and well camouflaged. We moved on, Sasha was surprisingly very light.

"Anyone have fresh or salt water?" I asked, Sasha needed medical attention, ASAP. I had no water with me.
"We must make it to the cocytus, I can heal you with it, but it will make everything seem sad and dull" I explained.
Dad taught me lots about this place, he managed to get typhon down here scattered in pieces.

Kida nodded, Vadius replied no, "I'm just an Enyo kid I ain't got any" said Brandon.

"Okay here's the plan I'm gonna make a cave, one of you comes with me and Velocity to the Cocytus, the rest of you stay here and watch over Sasha" I was suddenly very serious, "I'm gonna need you all at full strength, when we find who has the scythe"

"I'll come with you sweetie, if we get into anything bad, I can navigate this place, Lady Artemis took me and a few others hunting around here" Kida explained, she mounted Velocity, and I launched off the ground and soared alongside Kida and Velocity. We passed over a few monsters that didn't pay us any attention, they couldn't fly to chase us anyway, until we saw some furies. It was then I knew we'd have a bit of trouble. I knew of Velocity's speed I landed on her back became a small snake and wrapped myself around Kida's arm, "Step on it Velocity" I screamed.

I looked back to see spikes flying at the two furies, and they were hit and went down "Thanks girl" said Kida patting her head. I hear a screech coming from directly in front of us.

"Kida point me at the third Fury!" I yelled over the sound of the wind as we were going sixty kilometres an hour. I sprung myself from her arm like a spring changed form into a golden eagle, such a vicious bird can tear into flesh so easily, "Go on ahead I'll catch up" I aimed for her eyes, but she caught my claws, like she was ready for me.and threw me back in the direction I just came from, then grabbed velocity by her paw, the fury in no time at all had spikes piercing her hand, she squealed in pain, and came after me instead, I kept flying straight like an arrow with the fury as my target, she struck me down yet again.

This time I had to be smart, I flew closer and flew in circles before vanishing flew directly behind her, "Bet you didn't see this coming", I became a cobra while still invisible and coiled myself around her neck, squeezing tighter and tighter, and bit her face, I didn't know what effect cobra venom had on a fury but she was definitely weaker,
And we both plummeted to the ground I used the rest of my energy to make sure the fury took the damage from the fall. Smack in to the stone ground, "Ouch that's gotta hurt" I mumbled, holding my arm as I stood and crept along alone in Tartarus.

Then I heard those same footsteps again this time they were running.

But I was too weak from the the fury digging her claws into me, but I did what I had too, I kept walking another two minutes before I collapsed and passed out.

Back at the cave on the bank of the phlegethon, Brandon had pulled out his harmonica and started playing as quietly as possible hoping to lift Sasha's spirits, "You know it's just my ankle that's broken", Sasha said sitting up.

"We know that, could have been your neck too if Tabetha didn't think fast" Vadius chimed in.

"Just be thankful it's not, okay" Brandon tried to sound comforting, but the truth was he barely knew Sasha.

"I am grateful to have such a girlfri....I mean good friend like Tabetha" Sasha corrected herself.

"Excuse you, are you telling me you actually like her as more than a friend?"Brandon asked. Suddenly Vadius moved closer to hear the gossip, "Yes wait no, ugh, I don't know, get off my case" she said, and they sighed and lay back waiting for us to return.

Suddenly Brandon started singing just to annoy Sasha, "Sasha and Tabetha sitting in a tree, K I S S I N ouch" Brandon frowned looking at Sasha who smiled back at him. "What was that for?" Brandon asked

"That pebble wanted a K I S S I N G session with you" Sasha turned in the other direction and tried to get a little rest.

Vadius smiled and clapped in approval of Sasha's actions.

"You can speak to rocks?" Asked Brandon, just to get on her nerves.

"My voice can be intoxicating on command, if you don't wanna do something you're going to regret I suggest you SHUT UP!!!" Sasha wasn't happy.

"I'm sorry I just feel so helpless here y'know?" Brandon said.

"Okay apology accepted let me rest, my foot is throbbing so much already I don't need stress" Sasha put some influence into it that time, and Brandon stood and sat next to Vadius.

And everyone began to sleep awaiting our return.

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