XXXIII: Happy Birthday

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They emerged from the Forrest with Tommy, Velocity wanted to stay in the Forrest, and during the Terratravel, Sasha did her thing, and boy did Tabetha look wonderful, "HAPPY BIRTHDAY" we screamed on sight.

Tabetha pounced into unicorn form and galloped to Ree and I. "It's just how I saw it" Tabetha cried.
She returned to her human form as she approached, rubbing her between us.

"Poseidon you made it, she ran to him "Brother, you didn't bring her then did you?" Tabetha asked.

"I totally forgot your present, I'll get you one next week, come see me in my palace, underwater, I'll be waiting for your visit" Poseidon smiled. "Sweet scallops, who do you speak of?" Poseidon asked her

"Your wife, you know Her, Amphitrite"she replied

"She will be joining us later, she has promised to keep her visit strictly family orientated, she really is sorry about Grams" Poseidon tried to win her over with everything being fine and dandy, but she knew it never was fine and dandy for the Avalon Family.

I raised my hands like a lunatic to silence the crowd, until Ree simply whistled and only then was it quiet, "I would like to thank each and every one of you for coming today, it means so much to have you all here" I began and everyone cheered.

Even Majesty was calling from the shore, "Thank you gods for coming, Dad, Uncle Hades, Lord Apollo, you too Persephone, " I smiled at all the guests "What about me!" Boomed something in the sky.

"Yes you too Chaos" I called, "Tommy, Kida and Vadius thanks for coming, how could I forget my other sister, hi Shelby, and Sasha your friendship has made my angel happier than I've seen her in a while, and let's also welcome my new son to the world, Sebastian" I said still not finished.

"and last but not least to my dear sweet princess, Tabetha you are the greatest daughter in existence, you're also my angel from above, most of all you are my Hero, and one of my two greatest creations, Thank you Ree for these wonderful children we have" with Tabetha now on my shoulders I Kissed Ree.

"Come here Tabby, It's time" Ree said, and Tabetha slithered to the ground, "Before we eat I have a few words for you Bob" Ree implied she had something more than 'thank yous' in mind, and she turned to face me, "For so long now you and Tabetha have been my entire world, would you do me the honour of being my husband?" Ree said as Tabby held up a gorgeous Sapphire Ring, and I broke into tears.

"I would lo.......excuse me, I just....didn't expect this" I wiped the tears from my eyes, "Yes darling I wouldn't wanna go another day without you by my side and that's all the counts" I was truly blindsided by that, a wonderful family and now, she is going to be mine.

"Let's eat then shall we" Ree called, and we took our seats, Ree and I on one side of Tabetha and Sasha Kida and Vadius on the other.

Then came present time, I zipped inside while everyone else gave theirs, I came back out with a wide flat box with a sky blue ribbon on it, and a small golden one from Apollo.

I walked over to Tabby, and placed Apollo's gift in front of her, she took the lid off and saw a dagger encrusted with an Emralds hilt, "flick the handle" Apollo called. Tabetha flicked the Handle, the next thing she knew she had a bow.

She looked back in the box, to see a strap on the strap was a box of pencils, just like mine, "put the strap on" "Apollo called, and so she did.

"Wow it's a quiver" She exclaimed, "you're welcome" Apollo called.

"From your mother and I", I handed her our present, she opened up her new laptop, "copy all your files over and your brother can have your old one" I said happily.

Suddenly a wind picked up and we took everything inside quickly, it took a while from all the presents Tabetha received. But eventually we got it all inside, Majesty neighed loudly.

Zeus thundered the skies as he landed on the shore to join us for the festivities, "Happy Birthday Sister" Zeus called.

"Yay Zeus you made it" Tabetha said accepting her present from her brother, he didn't wrap it cause he said it'd just make a mess, "Wow a cape" smiled Tabetha, and she put it on, it was a pure white cape, with the Olympian insignia on it in gold thread.

"It is impervious and impenetrable to any weapon, poison or fire" Zeus stated.

Majesty was now very agitated neighing from the water, "What is it Majesty?" I asked her, with my hand on her snout trying to calm her.

"She's here, Amphitrite and the two kids she adopted" Majesty was fidgety so she decided to go home and come back tomorrow, "see you later Bob, I'll visit another day" Majesty vanished beneath the surface.

Three beings rode a wave to shore, "Hi love" Amphitrite called to dad.

"Please behave yourself Amphitrite" he smiled pleasantly which I knew had something planned.

"Happy birthday Tabetha" Amphitrite said completely ignoring her husband now.

"Shut the hell up old lady I'm outta here. And Tabetha led Tommy and Sasha inside.

"Bob I'd like you to meet your triplets, Meet Cara and Sinbad, your long lost brother and sister" Amphitrite explained.

"My children, I thought I lost you the night I lost Tabetha, when Shelby only found Bob I didn't know what happened to you" Poseidon saw his son and daughter for the first time in years.

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