XXXI: Family Reunion

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*Bob's PoV*

Kida walked up behind Ree, "I'll hold him and you can have both hands free when you see him" Kida said and she took the baby. They walked inside, and Vadius took the lead, "follow me".

She lead them through the front door to and down the hall, and opened the door, when they saw a throne and cage on a floating platform "DADDY" Tabetha screamed. She drew her bow with celestial bronze tips, and let an arrow fly and and the cage shattered, Ree had no trouble jumping to the platform, she walked over to me, and hugged me tightly before her grip loosened and she collapsed too.

"Dad warned me about that, umm I got this" Tabetha said, and she flew over willing the paralysing liquid away, and just laying together, and for the first in what felt like forever, I was whole again, "Mum, Dad can we name him now?" Tabetha asked.

"Name who ?" I replied, oblivious to the fact they were telling me I had a son. With paralysis not yet worn off, I could still psychically talk to Tabetha, "Wait your mother had my son?" I asked Tabby, "yes Daddy, aunt Kida has him right over there, she sat up pointing, I still couldn't move yet but my apeyeballs could, black smoke appeared above me and I saw Kida holding a little boy.

We just sat there and slowly the paralysis wore off, half an hour passed and Ree's had completely worn off, she propped me up and gave Tabby the oogies countless times.

I had feeling in my limbs again but I still couldn't move. "We need a name", I told Tabetha, as no one else but her and Chaos could understand me.

"Solomon?" Tabby suggested, I closed my eyes and told her "let's keep thinking".

I started to get movements in my lips, "uhhh-uah-rrrrr-Ree"

She turned from the baby to me, "Bob, I'm here" she said looking into my eyes.

"Tabby told me he can't play on her laptop or she will bash him, and I thought we could call him Sebastian" I mumbled between breaths, "grab hold everyone were goin home" Tabetha said.

"Wait a second, bob in need to speak with you before you leave" Chaos raised his hands and my paralysis completely wore off, and I kissed Ree and hugged Tabetha before I followed Chaos into a room, the back of his chair was a doorway.

"There is an uprising on your hands, they energy I have from you, is to make an army of your own when the time is right, but this army will only aid you in one single battle" Chaos explained, "if you need me, have Tabetha bring you back, her Terratravel can reach here whenever she wants to" suddenly while sitting with Ree Tabby Sebastian and Vadius, Kida passed out, "what's wrong?" Tabby asked.

"There is low oxygen here" Vadius explained, "we need to get her home to earth".

"Go home bob we'll talk again soon" Chaos said as we came back out on the platform.

We huddled together and before we knew it we were home, "Dad, I am home you guys can close the gate to Oblivion" I told dad through horse speak. Suddenly all seems right "Tomorrow is your birthday sweetie, someone's a big girl" I said as she turned and frowned at me, "What do you mean, somebody' said big girl,who made It through Tartarus attacked by Hydras and Harpies and furies all for you, don't call me a little girl" Tabetha warned.

But you sweetie no matter how old you are will always be my baby, most of all, you're not just my princess, you are my greatest hero" I said playing the lovey dovey dad card, which seemed to win her over once again.

As for Sebastian well he loved the water he has a bath in the living room he was sitting in his warm shallow water just giggling. When we heard a knock at the door.

Ree began to get up to answer the door, "you stay I'll get it" I kissed her forehead, and she smiled then frowned.

"Don't tell me to stay, like I'm a dog" she was still frowning at me

"You know I didn't mean it that way, if anything, you and the kids are the reason for my, Hello" I said opening the door.

"Dad says were the reason for his existence" Tabby finished for me.

"Awww, I love you too darling" Ree called. "I want a psychic connection with him too!"

"It's not always a blessing mum, what if there's something I want to keep a secret, like the thing you're supposed ask dad, hint hint" a Tabetha had the fourth finger of her left hand in Ree's face while I wasn't looking.

"Okay love, we'll do it tomorrow on your birthday" Ree told Tabby

"Is Tabetha home?" Asked a girl I'd never seen.

"Sasha, it's good to see you, I'd like you to meet my Dad, Sasha Dad, Dad Sasha" Tabetha tugged her hand and pulled her in.

"Dad, did I mention Sasha is a princess and daughter of Aphrodite?, she is also my best friend" Tabetha said.

"Welcome to our humble abode" I said smiling,

"Happy Birthday Tabetha" she said, a little too early but it's okay.

"Hi Sasha" Ree said smiling at her. Ree looked at me and patted the seat next to her.

"Ummmm, it's not until tomorrow but thanks Sasha" Tabetha replied. She hugged Sasha and then Sasha blushed. Before taking the present Sasha was holding out.

Tabetha and Sasha went off to her room, and then Ree began kissing me and then as if right on cue Sebastian starts crying.

Tabetha's TalesDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora