XXXII: Minor Excursion

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The next morning Ree snuck out of bed and crept into Tabetha's room, and woke Tabetha up, "I don't have a ring to purpose with".

"Aww, do I have to get up now? Ten more minutes" Tabetha moaned.

"Stop back sassing me and get up, happy ninth birthday love" Ree said pulling part the curtains as the harsh morning light broke through.

"I can make the perfect ring, celestial bronze, encrusted with a large sapphire" Tabetha said.

"Well I can make you breakfast and you can go on your little trip with Sasha, and be careful dear" Ree said

"Morning" I said walking into the Kitchen to find all three of them eating without me, Sebastian was in his baby swing asleep already, I walked straight to pan where there was some breakfast waiting for me, "Not so fast sugar, could you give me some sugar?" Ree asked, so I picked up the sugar which was already right in front of her.

"Not that sugar" Ree snapped.

"Oh Mum no not at the table, OMG Total Oogies right now" Tabetha complained.

"Ahem, are we forgetting something?" Tabetha stared at me blank faced.

"I'm sorry sweetie, you get a kiss too, and Happy Birthday Princess" I picked her up out of her seat and swung her around the dining room, and then held her tight, "I love you, and don't you ever forget that", and she sat back down to finish her breakfast, and finally got mine out of the pan.

After breakfast, Tabetha and Sasha got ready for their little trip, "where are you two going, Tabetha it's your birthday, and you're honestly going out" I demanded an explanation.

"Let them go, they have something I've asked her to do, and take Velocity, she could use a stretch" Ree interrupted.

They left outside, making their way to the Forrest where Velocity now lives. "First we set up the party outside...and then" I began.

"Okay, then you got presents I'll get the guests" Ree said.

We discussed what to get Tabetha and who was invited all the while we alternated turns at who watches Sebastian and does their thing.

Tabetha Velocity and Sasha made it back to Tartarus, no one was here, this place seemed to be abandoned. Tabetha walked straight up to Amphitrites throne and tried to pull of a massive Sapphire, but it didn't budge.

She struggled in silence attempting to split the sapphire apart from the ruby throne, she gave the throne it's own little earthquake which did the trick, "so she returns to Tartarus to die after all" Amphitrite said from the shadows as she came into the light.

At the drew her bow and just as she was about to release the arrow, the whole thing disappeared.

"Apollo, why did you do this to me?" Tabetha wailed, then reacted quickly as Amphitrite bolted towards them, velocity Sasha and Tabetha vanished, and they made it back to hydra carcass, on the shore of the Cocytus, bagged a few steaks for Velocity, and she ate the until she was full.

"Anything else before we go to Colorado?" Tabetha asked, "I have a cousin there who can make a ring with this"

"Let's go then" Sasha smiled.

"Can you not smile so much? you make me nervous" Tabby asked.

They rose from the soil in Tommy Jay's Garden, when they heard clanging coming from his forges, "Tabetha pleasure to see you again, who's ya friend?" Tommy asked.

"She is your step sister" Tabetha replied.

Sasha held out her hand for a shake, "Sasha daughter of Aphrodite, Princess of an Island unknown to mortals, in the cook Islands. Moana Isle, island of the sea, we have many Polynesian cultures on our Island"

"Tabetha you could have warned me you were bringing my step sister" Tommy said tightening a bold on his project.

"I was wondering of you could make me a wedding ring from this?" Tabetha said pulling the sapphire from her pocket.

"Sure no problem, it will take like an hour or so" Tommy said

"Hmmmm" Sasha said, suddenly bored.

"So how have you been Tabby?" Tommy asked plainly.

"Well let's see I just back from Tartarus where I found my evil sister in law had my stepfathers scythe of which I needed, to take. I stole it directly from her grasp" She tried to make it sound impressive.

"Oh my so who is this ring for?" He asked as he smelted a small amount of celestial bronze and started trimming away at the sapphire, until it was a clean cut gem.

"Mum is purposing this afternoon, Mum says you're invited to my birthday" Tabetha smiled so filled with joy, "I am getting the ring" she said excitedly.

Long while later, "aaaaaaah it's ready" Tommy poured the hot liquid metal into the ring mould, which had the Sapphire already sitting in it, "oh man this tub has no water in it, I gotta go up to the house and get the hose".

"I got it" Tabetha said, and the hose picked up and stretched all the way down here to the forges, and the hose filled his tub. "Just be a sec to turn the hose off" I said sinking into the stone floor.

"She's a real show off sometimes, maybe because she really is Amazing" Sasha said.

"Don't I know it" Tommy said holding his masterpiece up to the light, "let me get ready and I'll come with you" Tommy suggested, he took like two minutes.

"Wow I need like atleast an hour to get ready" said Tabetha.

"Honey if you got me, I'll have you ready like that" Sasha said snapping her fingers from left to right.

We headed out the door, and made our way back home.

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