VIII: Black Mansion

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We emerged from the ground into a beautiful garden where a girl was waiting, in silver robes.

We approached her when Tabetha ran and hugged her, "Kida" she screamed.

Kida just put a finger to her lips signalling Tabetha to be quiet, so we followed Kida.

"Father, is ready for you now" Kida said quietly.

Kida lead us in to a Black mansion with dim torches on either side of the walls, which were made of dark obsidian, as were the floors, low light made it difficult to see. I held Tabetha's hand for comfort, if anything was to happen we'd have one another. We came to a pair of giant doors, when Kida sent dark energy into the doors, it's the key, to opening the door. They creaked open on their own at her touch. To reveal a long bridge going over a clear river black stone banks on either side of the river.

A throne on the other side with a man sitting there and a beautiful goddess at his side, "must be Uncle Hades and Aunt Persephone, I've heard stories of her beauty, but wow" I told myself.

*psychic convo*
"Dad I can hear you thinking, don't let mother know that you're eyeing up Persephone" Tabetha said

"What Tabby, no please don't tell her" I asked.

"Then don't think such silly things, I would cry, for mum, and I don't know if I would feel comfortable living with you any more" Tabetha said plainly.

Because she was so calm as she said it, I was hurt, "I'm sorry" I told her.

"Can I have a hug?, that hurt" I said when a tear trickled down my cheek. Tabetha turned to me, and threw herself in my arms.

"I'm sorry dad, I didn't mean it so much"she cried.

"It still hurt" I told her, "I know I apologised, didn't I?" She moaned.

"Yes dear, you did"

"It's just I don't know what I would do, if you and mum broke up" she cried

Kida stops at throne of Hades, "ah I have a sister, come to say hello" said the god

Tabetha took a deep breath, "I wish to commune with one of the dead"

"Not gonna happen SORRY, no can do sis, come back when you're dead, and we can talk" hades smirked

Tabetha walks right up to her brother and grabs at his black toga, by the collarbone area, forces him back in his seat.
"This is serious, what do I have to do get your permission to talk with a spirit of my deceased mortal grandmother?"

"Okay okay, I have a quest, sheesh hands off sister" hades told her, "threaten me like that again, and you will join her forever" hades Bellowed

"Glad I got your attention, now what can I do?" Tabetha asked

Hades walks over to the bank of the Styx running through throne room. "See that, it's the Styx"

"No it's not, it's just a normal river, I can sense it, just a normal river" I said

"And who might you be?" Hades asked

"Greetings lord Hades, I'm Bob, Son of Poseidon" I explained

"Ah seaweeds kid aye? Not bad" Hades seemed a little impressed

"Okay, so my quest is simple, track down who is doing this to the Styx, and end it" hades exclaimed.

"Don't sound too h......." I said

"Off woth you then" hades Bellowed.

Kida lead us upstream, it got darker and darker as we walked suddenly a dim light in the distance. We made it out into a dead forest, black trees that look like they died a millennia ago.

No leaves at all, dark dirt almost black,no wind fain light out there was an unpinpointable light source down here. Nevertheless it was still creepy when we saw a cloaked figure just sitting in the river. We decided to approach cautiously.

"Don't move" said the black cloaked figure. "Stay there sister"

Kida asked, "do I know you?"

The black cloaked girl pulled back her cloaks hood, to reveal a demigod daughter of Hades, dark hair and fair skin tone with dark eyes, "I am also a Daughter of Hades" and the girl in the river turned to us.

"Vadius, it can't be, dad threw you out, and into the stormy oceans" Kida said, "I've missed you"

"Stand back, I don't want to hurt any of you" vadius stated plainly, and suddenly the river went dark again.

"It was you corrupting the river" I gasped

"Yes, father abandoned me and he will pay", Vadius moved swiftly before I knew she had thrown me into the Styx, she had caught me off guard.

"Sorry I had orders to do that, don't bother searching for him in that water, he's not there" Vadius explained.

Tabetha grabbed Vadius by the scruff of her neck. "Where did you send him?, tell me now or I'll send you to your father personally"

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