XXIV: Dream a little dream of me

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I fell asleep with Seph at my side, she sang me to sleep, she had a wonderful voice, view of the room faded into a vision of exactly what I just saw. Seph was still there , and I was in her bed so I decided to wonder my brothers place, eventually I found his throne room again. I remember Hades summoned a black bed as Seph and I left for her room, and the bed was still there.

I saw bumps under the covers, I pulled back the duvet to see nobody. The weird thing about being an oracle is you have to know how to distinguish visions from actual dreams.

Vision or not I was asleep and this a dream, suddenly a disembodied hand appears from out of nowhere, and tugs me, the hand seems very familiar. And suddenly iwasn't in Hades Mansion anymore. I was on a beach and the sun was going, I looked around to find who brought me here.

Only I looked up to see dad, I jumped up to him and squeezed him tight with my eyes closed to savour the moment.

"So where's my Hug" said a very familiar voice. "MUM!!!" I screamed, "wait a second dad is this not my dream?"

"It's mine, and you are more than welcome" mum smiled with her hands out.

"awwwww how ah touching" said someone I never heard before.

"I am a scary ghost" said chaos in a sarcastic voice to be funny I frowned up in to the Sky, as I put two and two together realising it's Chaos. "Ummm chaos sir how can I awaken everyone from their sleep?" I pleaded for him to tell me.

"Well nice to meet you Tabetha Avalon, I would like to meet you in the flesh, when you arrive to collect Bob" a cloud swirled creating a face. "There is a boy coming to meet with you, he can wake them up, hiss ghost sword can awaken them otherwise you must put Morpheus to sleep, his ghost sword will not harm any physical body", Chaos said and a small vial fell from the sky.

"Pour that over the blade of his ghost sword, stab the sleeping in the back of the head, when you awaken the vial will be in your hands" Chaos bellowed as the cloud vanished.

"So Mum, Dad is it really both of you here? and I am not just dreaming this?", I was confused until dad told me he pulled me out of my own dream and into Mum's.

Dad decided to be a true romantic and carried mum off into the surf, which I admit was a wonderful sight to see mum and dad smiling and enjoying each other's company.

"You'll be back with me soon" I whispered. "Both of you"

Then I woke up and pulled the vial from my pocket. To find a boy looking at me, he was cute with charming Hazel eyes and dark hair. "Persephone told me I would find a girl in here, to wait for her to awaken and being her to the throne room, Hi my name is Brandon" he said. Brandon Blushed when I sat up.

"Persephone never told me how pretty you are, oh man I should've combed my hair and brushed my teeth" Brandon moaned scratching the back of his head.he turned away as I climbed out from thunder the covers, "what a gentlemen" I said.

"Sure my. Mum is.a war goddess but, you don't make a war with a pretty girl, a pretty girl is why you fight the war" he said trying to impress me, but I was unsure if I was impressed I was still half asleep. We dawdled out of Persephone's room.

As we made made our way to the the Hades throne room, I remembered the dream with Mum and Dad.

"I need your ghost sword" I blurted out.

"Why do you need that?, it can't even kill anything, it goes right through everything, it is only bound to me by magic" Brandon was uneasy about how a girl he never met, knew about his sword that can't even be seen. It only works on spirits apparently.

"It has another use", I pulled out my vial I got from Chaos.

Brandon unsheathed his sword, I heard the metal slide out but his hand didn't seem to be holding anything.

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