II: The deception continues

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Ree and I returned to our seat to find the feast had begun, we missed Zeus' big speech.

Dionysus was at the end of my table, and he clapped, my water turned to wine, Dionysus raised his glass, "TO THE GODS"

Everyone did the same, including the gods "TO THE GODS" and they tipped some wine on the floor.

"My wine" Dionysus said as if someone was tugging at his heart, and the wine on the floor turned into water, and dried momentarily. "So you are a son of Poseidon?" Ree asked, glaring at me with her beautiful eyes, "Sure am, check this out" I pointed to a Hephaestus kid, as he drank his wine, the wine splashed in his face, she giggled, and I couldn't help but smile.

"I like you, I will make you mine" Ree said, no slight hesitation, as if she was certain I didn't have someone already.
I blushed, and she took my hand, "If you want this we can be together?" Ree suggested, waiting for my answer.

"Okay then...I don't know much about you, and believe me I intend to know more, would you be mine?" I asked, and she happily agreed, Poseidon's jaw dropped when she kissed me.

Her lips were soft, and she was an amazing kisser, finally she pulled away. I blushed again and began eating, there was mountains of food, fruit piled as high as it could be without toppling, roasted pork, lamb, and chicken, boy did the gods know how to party.

I turned to look at Ree, "What's the matter, you not hungry?" I asked.

"It's not that, my last partner was a creep, But I don't wanna talk about him, Now I have you" she said sounding depressed.

"This guy sounds like a creep, anything I can do?" I asked, looking into her dark crystal green eyes, hoping to make her feel better.

"Hold me" she suggested, so I pulled her closer to me, and tears streamed down her soft cheeks, I held both her cheeks, and then I wiped tears with my thumbs, and pushed her wavy dark hair out of her face.

Dionysus came to sit with us, "Hi Bonnie(Bobby), thanks for saving Olympus from Typhon last year" Dionysus smiled, scratching his grey hair. "A preemptive strike was a wise move, Sorry it cost you your memory".

"Don't mention it" I said, sipping more wine. "Ever".

"Dionysus can I have a word?" Ree asked, "Sure I guess" answered the Wine god.

Together they walked off into the crowd, I went to the dancefloor and started moving my feet, when a girl came up to and asked, "May I have this dance?" asked the girl in silver robes, "Sure, Nice to meet you" I replied.

A slow song began to play and she pulled me in, "You're a hunter of Artemis, aren't you supposed to be like, not be seen with guys?" I asked, being curious as to why a Huntress was dancing with me.
"That's just superstition, I'm an unofficial huntress, I have her blessing yes but I'm not bound like the others are, they are sworn to celibacy" she explained,

"Where are my manners?, I'm bob, son of Poseidon, and legacy of Apollo" I told her "May I have your name?"

"Kida, Demigod daughter of hades" said the girl, in shining silver Robes. "Kida Valentine"

"Wow a daughter of Hades, has a surname, that is the one day of the year where love is truly celebrated" I giggled.

"Go on laugh, Everyone does" Kida huffed.

"I'm sorry, My Mother raised me right, truly sorry, I shouldn't have laughed" I apologised for my rude behaviour.

The song was nearing the end, when I heard a voice say, "Mind if I cut in?"

"Ree, meet Kida' daughter to uncle Hades, they shook hands, and Ree kissed me.

"Oh, he's yours, my apologies" said Kida, "I didn't notice".
"No harm done, you didn't kiss him did you?" Ree tried to not sound jealous, my eyes widened.
"I'll admit I wanted to" Kida said, feeling a little hurt.

Ree grabbed Kida's hands, "Join us at our table will you?"
"Sure, lead the way" Kida said, we made our way through the crowd, to find Dionysus back at the table, we sat and I emptied my glass of wine, Dionysus put his hand over my glass, and it refilled, with a clear green wine

"Try this one, it's my secret recipe" Dionysus told me.

"Thanks, sir uh, lord, um, you have a preference, on what I should call you?" I said unsure of what to say.

"Dionysus is fine" he told me, "No need for formalities"

I drank the wine, "mmmm, this is good, apple, grape and a hint of lemon"

Dionysus smiled, "No one ever guessed the lemon"

Ree winked at Dionysus.
I should get going, others need refills" said the wine god.

"Okay thanks" I sipped my wine. I started to feel the wine take effect, blinked to keep myself awake, I picked up my glass, "Daym, Dionysus, this stuff is the shizz" I mumbled, clearly off my face on my second glass.

Ree lead me over to Zeus and Poseidon, "Okay boys, I'm taking Bob home" Ree told the gods, and she had Poseidon summon a Pegasus, and together the three of us flew back to my place cut off from civilisation by a forest, My house was on the shore, had Hephaestus and Hermes hook me up, I had furnished house, with off the grid electricity, Hermes privides internet, I lived off the land and ocean.
But I fell asleep as we made our descent Ree held me tighter as I fell asleep.

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