XI: Reunions and new faces

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"So what do we do first?" Vadius asked,sitting me up, as I'm looking down.
I slowly look up without moving my head, "we find your cousin" I said

We talk and dawdle down to the docks, "so vadius, what does Chaos want with my dad?" I asked

Vadius shies away, "I'm sorry okay, it was an order, I'd change it if I could" she turned away ashamed of the hurt she caused me.

"Prove it and continue to help and bring him back to me, I already forgive you, stray from helping and I will resend my forgiveness" I smiled, "I can't change the fact he's gone, but we can work together and bring him back"

" I can't help help my shame, but I admire your courage" Vadius said wiping tears, "my father daughter relationship didn't work out and now I've ruined yours, I'm so sorry"

We reached the shore, and stroll to the end of the dock, "don't worry Hun we'll save him" said a voice from behind.

"Mama" I had recognised her voice instantaneously, threw myself into my mothers arms.
For the moment I was happy, my fears and doubts just evaporated with tears of joy

"Hey Kida" mum said, hugging Kida, "and vadius I believe, I don't think we've met" mum said with a weird grin I'd never seen before

"Hi grandmother" vadius replied, and she looked away unsure of how to feel.

"Sweetie just call me Ree, grandmother makes me sound old" mum said smiling

I whistle for Majesty, as I wait in mums arms "Majesty, my friend would like a ride"

I take on my unicorn form as Majesty surfaces, Mum rode me and I called WingShade, Vadius on Majesty
And together we made our way across the oceans, I galloped on water happy to be with my mum.

She leaned on me and stroked my mane, "you're a beautiful daughter" she told me.

"...and you're a beautiful mother" I replied, although I couldn't see her face, I knew she was happy.

We set up camp on a deserted island somewhere in the South Pacific, I quickly gathered firewood animal style, "may I have the honours of lighting our fire?" Asked Vadius

"Go for it" I said, and she pulled out her ruby hilted sword, the ruby glowed and she struck the wood, with amazing speed, and the kindling burst into flames. "Nice" I said, "so what's for dinner?"

When suddenly a girl about my age wondered out of the forest, "hello" I said, walking over to greet the girl.

"Aloha" she said, "welcome to my Island"

"My name is Tabetha, my mum and ah Nieces" I explained, "WingShade here is a friend of mine and Kida's"

"Well, please come stay in my village, I'm the princess here, no one will bother you" she said signalling us to follow,

"Don't be scared, I mean you and you're people no harm but hiking through the woods I prefer using another form" I said to the princess, as I morphed into a large white wolf, my senses were heightened in this form, mum jumped up on my back, and we casually entered the native lands, it seemed nice and peaceful.

It started getting dark, and we saw lights in the valley, "where are my manners, my name is Sasha, Sasha Lalita Amarillo" she said, as we descended into the valley.

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