XXIX: Abducted

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I woke in chains bolted to the floor, lying on a bed looking up. "Aaaah so she's finally awake" said a woman's voice I would never forget, "What are you doing down here sweetness?, where is your precious daddy?" Amphitrite teased, laughing as she strolled around me.

"When I get outta here I'm taking stepfathers scythe, and hopefully I can kill you with it before I leave." I screamed with my hands bound, tugging at the chains.

"Oh you're not getting of those, or getting my scythe, yes after Kronos was defeated by your three brothers it was thrown down here and then again retrieved by Agrius, and then Agrius disposed of it in the ocean, that is where I found it, so it's mine" Amphitrite mumbled proudly.

"Well I will leave you to you're death", Amphitrite slammed the door shut as fiery liquid began pouring from the ceiling.

I have to think fast, I tried morphing into an animal, but not even that was working. So I just screamed as loud as I could. And suddenly the bed faultered as the ground began to split, so naturally I screamed again and the entire bed collapsed, I saw my chance reached for ground and I made it out of my chains, no longer bound, became invisble and walked through the stone walls silently following Amphitrite, she walked off and stood still the end of the corridor, she was talking to a guard she had watching the corridor, "Makes sure she does not escape" she said storming off.

The Minotaur crept his way toward the cell I was being held in. I ran I used my Terratravel to stay hot on her tail.

She sat on her ruby throne, encrusted with sapphires, breathtakingly beautiful I still hated her, still invisible I rose from the ground behind her and successfully stole the scythe and retreated into the ground.

Still injured I had no idea where in Tartarus I was, so I sat and dwelled on the thought of Aunt Kida, and suddenly had a vision, with my Terratravel working again I saw her at the edge of the river Cocytus, I used that to zero in on hers and velocity's location, Kida heard me fall to the ground and she dismounted Velocity, "you made it, but you're all scratched up, we need to get you in the cocytus so you can heal yourself, "roar" velocity agreed.

Suddenly black lightning flashed and from the black smoke of where it hit, two beings emerged.

"TABETHA" And suddenly the pain didn't matter anymore, "what happened?" Mum asked, sitting me up.

"OUCH" I complained, Mum accidentally grabbed my wound that had already been scraped when the bed collapsed.

"Set her down in the river" Hades said, she will be fine, Hades lifted me from Mums arms and dropped me in the river.

The feeling over dull uselessness overwhelmed me, Hades snapped his fingers and something black and murky lifted me from the dark lifeless water. Now I was healed and ready for action, but I still didn't want any, Amphitrite tracked me me here, although I don't know how.

She had an army of monsters, with her, "Mum take velocity back to the others in a cave on the bank of the cocytus, and this vial of cocytus water, we'll be there soon, and why can I not hear the baby in your belly anymore?" I had so much I'd rather talk to mum about than fight a horde of monsters.

"Persephone is babysitting your brother, you'll meet him soon on our way up to Olympus" Mum said as she rode off into the sky as velocity shot down a few Harpies and a Fury, I gripped the scythe of Kronos tightly and whipped into action alongside Hades and Kida.

Kida drew her Silver Bow, such a hot shot with her bow nocked three arrows at once, which took down a trio of Cyclopes, but a hellhound got too close, and Kida went down. Hades was going head to head with Polybotes who had come to Amphitrite's aid.

I rose from the ground holding out the scythe and spinning on the spot , disintegrating several monsters, then I turned around to see a hydra, "oh man why does it have to be a hyDRA?!?!" I ducked and rolled to the side to avoid his massive paw before I struck at it's paw with the scythe.

Polybotes just took down Hades, we weren't doing so hot.

In the distance I saw Kida unconcious, by that time had enough, so I shook the very ground removed the scythe from the heart of the hydra, grasped the pitchfork of hades and put it in the same hand as the scythe and then glowed forming a long spear, at that moment time stood still, I pierced the head of all of the Monsters.

With the spear mounted to my back I took hold of Kida and Hades and sunk into the ground.

Made it back to the cave surprisingly Mum and Velocity weren't here yet, I walked in the cave to find Sasha had been stabbed.

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