XV: Descent

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Kida had a Ventus, Vadius has dad's blessing and can breathe underwater, mum is immortal and doesn't need to breathe.

As for me I took the pretty approach, Beautiful Mermaid, wondering the deep. until we reached the seafloor, "I heard she was at the bottom of a trench or fissure sorta thing" I said plainly.

"All I see is coral covered hills and Kelp forests and lots of seaweed" Vadius said, "so which way?"

"Tabetha, do you have anymore tricks up you sleeve?" Kida asked,with her head down and looking at me side on, and waiting for an answer.

"Are you kidding?, my mum is a Titan and I'm a granddaughter to my brother Poseidon, not mention I'm a legacy of Lord Apollo" I morphed in to a Dolphin, which obviously impressed Kida, but mum was just too proud.

"Show off" Vadius blurted out with that kind of tone that meant she was impressed and jealous, I let out a sharp pitch, I've only tried Sonar a few times so I was not very good.

Ten minutes later I located the deep trench though a forest of seaweed, "this way, I said returning to mermaid form, "well done love" mum said kissing my cheeks, but she was cramping my style, "mum stop, please" Vadius Majesty and Kida all laughed at me, but Majesty was the first to apologise, "I'm sorry sweetie, I'll stop laughing now", said the Hippocampi as she held back a giggle, "well I think it's very cute and adorable, how much your mother loves you" Kida chimed in.

"At least someone here gets it" mum said delighted to hear it, "thank you".

"Sure anytime" Kida replied, as I stopped in my tracks, my eyes were wide open, my blue eyes turned black, suddenly I saw three murky shadows coming for me, I shook my head to clear the vision, "stay alert, were being followed" I warned, "I didn't get a clear look at the creatures".

Everyone drew weapons, except for Mum, she was Immortal and couldn't die so she just stood next to me ready, Kida pulled out her Bow, and drew back nocked an arrow in ready position
She only needed to aim and release.

We moved on anyway, through seaweed and Kelp, and a few dangerous species that didn't bother us.

Saw the fissure, there were a few merfolk swimming around,as we approached, they greeted us.

"Oh you don't want to go down there" said one of the guys, he had short dark hair, coral eyes, and a charming smile.

"My name is Vadius, what' yours?" Asked Vadius.

"I'm Dennis, Dennis Fisher, nice to meet you" he replied,

"A gentleman, cute and polite, paws off Kida" Vadius snapped.

"If I am to choose someone, he's going to be worth it, I'm a Hunter of Artemis don't forget" Kida snapped back.

"Are they always like this" Dennis asked, trying to get his arm free from Vadius' grasp, Vadius in her own way was very pretty tanned skin eyes that change colour, and dark hair, her eyes are normally dark but change on emotion, "I'm flattered really, but I don't know you" Dennis said looking for help from one of us.

"Vadius retract your hands, or else, you don't wanna know what else" I snapped at Vadius. She blushed and put her hands behind her back, and I looked into the fissure.

"We do need to go down there, my dad's sister lives there" I said.

"But that's where my mum stays, Shelby daughter of Poseidon" Dennis explained.

"Well then, I guess you're my cousin, put her there", I said extending my hand. He took it without hesitating, he was cute for a thirteen year old.

"My dad is Bob son of Poseidon" I explained, "he and I have been together since I was born, until my niece here, threw him in the Styx" I said hinting at Vadius, "I've been an emotional wreck ever since" I frowned wiping away my tears.

"That's rough Cuz" Dennis said, trying to sound sympathetic. "This is my sister and you're other cousin I guess".

A pretty mermaid with red hair swam forward she had blue eyes and lips as red as her hair. She introduced herself, "Don't pay any attention to my dorky brother, he was born like that, my name is Kelly Fisher"

"So let me get this straight, Shelby Fisher lives at the bottom of a fissure?" Vadius asked with a grin from ear to ear.

"Basically, yeah" Kelly replied.

"Oh this is too good" Vadius laughed. I made my hand invisible so Vadius wouldn't see a slap coming her way.
My hand connected to her face harder than I thought, "be nice" I told her, she shrugged and she folded her arms, still frowning of course.

"Good luck getting down to mums" Kelly smiled.

We entered the black abyss that was a deep trench, so dark I couldn't see a thing, so I played it safe as a dolphin, to see with Sonar. I sensed a cave at the cliff base.

I saw teeth coming for Kida, so I willed her down and she avoided the attack, we were ambushed by some anglers, "piss off" I told them.

"No one sees mistress Shelby with out our okay", said the Angler, seemed to be the male. The next one swam at me, I willed them back.

"I am grand daughter of Poseidon himself, you will step aside, or so help me I'll pass by force" I half-shouted.

"So be it" the anglers said, so I shook the cliffs and rocks fell, scaring off the anglers, when a giant size crustacean emerged from from a crack in the wall of the trench.

Dark red shell that camouflaged with the rock, and Kida didn't see the pincer coming for her.

Kida was pinned, I had to something, so I began to grow very large, until I was roughly the size of a barge.

My skin wen rubbery and my fingers merged into fins, I was a large blue whale
Pushed him away, when I heard a voice from the floor of the trench, "Crab get to bed" she said.

He got free and scurried away, Kelly swam up to me from behind as I turned back into a mermaid.

"Very nice cousin, now I'd like you to meet my Mummy, Shelby" she said swimming deeper.

We reached the floor of the deep crevice, I see her eyes and the are a dark green. Dark brunette hair and a welcoming smile.

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