44 | venenum amortentia

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Credits to Onyx_and_Elm for the idea for this chapter and the chapters following. 

poison tree by grouper

Flashback 9

CW: hints at alcohol abuse


Something is wrong.

She's hurt. Merlin, she's hurt and it's all my fault. After the argument, she must've taken too much of something. I did this to her. If she is hurt then I am the one that hurt her, and that means I should be hurt too. But that isn't important now.

I take her back to Luna's hoping they are all there but they aren't. She's on the couch groaning on her side and I have no idea what to do. No idea how to clean up the mess I've made. But when I hear giggling at the door, a sigh of relief leaves my lips. They stumble in smiles wide on their faces but once they see Sage their smiles immediately fall. Rushing over to my side they kneel down and start fussing over her. But soon enough Luna seems to realize I'm the one that's here with Sage, the one that brought her here.

"What did you do to her?" A good question,

"I- we- I didn't, nothing. I didn't do anything, well not really- we got into a fight and then she well-'' Charlotte came over to me and looked me in the eyes, a mixture of sympathy and suspicion. Merlin it hurts, to think, to know my sister thinks I could do something like this, but is she really wrong? Luna breaks the silence,

"He's not lying." when everyone turns their head to look at her she says "They fought but he didn't do this." She looked down at her, Sage groaned and rolled over, one arm clutching her stomach and the other rubbing her eyes. My legs sink next to her

"I think I know a spell."

"Do we even know what's wrong with her?" Charlotte asks.

"No but- I can make an educated guess, she looks hideously drunk," I say

"She hasn't drunk all night," Luna says. My head jolts to look at her, what does she mean? How could she be acting this way?

"What do you mean she hasn't- What the fuck is wrong with her then?"

"I don't know," Charlotte says quietly. Who the fuck would hurt her like this? Not even she deserves this.

"Should I try the spell anyway," Charlotte says looking at me, she knows the spell, never done it herself, but she's seen me do it enough times. "It shouldn't hurt her, it'll just make her incredibly dehydrated-

"No way, no fucking way." They look at me as though I'm standing on a pygmy puff and gold is raining from my ears. "Too risky," I try to amend. I don't actually care about her. I just can't let more people get hurt.

"He's right," Luna says, and then she walks over to a bookshelf. She comes back with a book. "Symptoms?" Luna asks and I list them off,

"I'm assuming, dizziness, confusion, lightheadedness, um she was falling and didn't seem like she could hear me, and she couldn't see me very well at first either." She flips the pages quickly and seems to find what she's looking for. Or so I thought,

"How was she acting toward you?"

"Um, what do you mean?" She sighs

"I don't have time to beat around the bush, how did she act towards you?" I try to be honest and say

"Clingy, she kept touching me." Another long and deep sigh,

"Okay I think this is it, I've seen it in the book before but not in actuality. It's very rare and you aren't going to like it." She hands me the book.

Venenum Amortentia

One of the most powerful war potions. A heightened version of Amortentia that is used in major wars to make one side or the other weaker. The potion only works for people that already have a desire or attraction towards each other, but this potion heightens it, uses it against them, and makes it insufferable to be apart from each other. It is banned from being made almost everywhere in the world and is irreversible.

Also otherwise known as the Romeo and Juliet poison.

I think I hear the book clatter to the ground.

"What- what is it?" Charlotte asks and she picks up the book. She skims it and looks down at me. Only sympathy in her eyes now. "God Draco I'm so-"

"It's fine, we just need to make sure that she's safe and doesn't get hurt further." I'm given a judgmental glance by both of them and then turn to each other and say something. I can't hear but it doesn't matter. What really matters is how I'm going to take this away. Take some suppressant, cast some spell to fix this, do anything I can to get rid of this curse, because there is no way that we can stand it.

Even still I pull up a chair and watch her stir in her sleep. 

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