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"I know i know..can you please stop being annoying?",Doyoung complained then ended the phone call.

Yuta looked at Doyoung entering the car as he complained about his annoyance towards Taeyong.

"Can he just stop acting like a kid?",Doyoung complained while fasten his seat belt.

"You shouldnt talk to him that way.Besides,he's the one who take care of you",Yuta adviced Doyoung.

Doyoung furrowed his eyebrows,

"But still can he just stop nagging like..its not like im not listening..i just forget..human makes mistakes",Doyoung tried to defend himsef.

Yuta nodded,

"I know..but you should talk properly.Harsh words might hurt other people's feelings",Yuta gave his advice to Doyoung.

Doyoung sighed,

"Ok,my fault",he agreed and admitted his mistake before he grinned at Yuta.

"Wow,so now you became a love therapist after experiencing heartbreak ?",he teased Yuta.

Yuta laughed and slapped Doyoung's shoulder,

"Shut up,there's no story between us",he replied.

Doyoung portrayed his disbelief face followed by Yuta ignoring him,

"Quick,send me",Yuta ordered Doyoung while ignored Doyoung portrayed his annoyed face.

When he arrived,he thanked Doyoung and walked to his house when he noticed Shotaro's shoes were infront of the door.He remembered that he already put Shotaro's shoes on the rack before he met Doyoung.

He suddenly heard noises coming from his side as he saw a tall figure looking at him before he ran away.

"Stop there!",Yuta pointed his finger to the figure then quickly ran to catch the stalker.

He ran as fast as he can as they already away from the apartment.Yuta noticed that he was running the same way from the night that he chased the stalker before.

Luckily,he remembered the shortcut to the bus stop so he ran to the other's side until he reached the bus stop.

When he arrived,he hid until he saw the familiar figure stopped near the bus stop tried to catch some breaths while waited for the bus to arrive.

Yuta carefully approached and jumped onto him until his body was on top of the stalker.

The stalker noticed Yuta so he took a knifepocket from his pocket to attack Yuta but then he failed as he was pushed to the ground.

"Aargghh!",the stalker yelled in pain as he released the knifepocket and unfortunately the blade let out a scar on his cheek before it dropped on the ground.

He tried to rip the mask off from the stalker but the stalker's strength might beat him so he held the stalker's body tight.

"Hold tight Yuta!You cant let him go!",Yuta insisted inside his head as one of his hand tried to hold the stalker's body while the other hand tried to rip the mask off.

He pulled the mask and threw the mask away when he scanned the stalker's face,he didnt get the luck as he didnt recognized the face.

"Who are you?!",Yuta yelled when the bus arrived and parked beside the bus stop.

The stalker smirked and spat on Yuta's face before he punched Yuta directly to his eyes.

"Aaissshh!!",Yuta tried to held the pain on his eyes while the stalker attacked Yuta on his face until he get to release himself from Yuta's grip.

Yuta tried to gather his strength and catch the stalker but then the stalker already ran into the bus and the bus drove away.

He looked at the stalker as the stalker smiled and make a V-sign to him before he waved goodbye.

"You son of a b*tch!!!",Yuta was deep in anger so he took his phone and called Doyoung.

Doyoung:dude why—

Yuta:i saw his face


Yuta:the stalker

Yuta ended the phone call and took the knifepocket that the stalker left on the ground.

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