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Yuta woke up as he received a phone call from Doyoung.


Doyoung:wow,i really expecting an apology


Doyoung:yah wait!


Doyoung:we found the girl

Yuta:is she alive?

Doyoung:urm unfortunately no

Yuta:well that's hard

Doyoung:but we found out some clues

Yuta:what is it?

Doyoung:the girl..we found a ring on her finger..guess what? there's someone name carved on the ring



Yuta was surprised when he heard that..at the same time he started to feel the excitement to catch Sungchan.

Doyoung:get ready,i will bring you to the police station

- -

Doyoung parked his car near the police station before he unbuckled his seat belt and turned to Yuta.

"i will go inside..you can wait in the car or outside",he told Yuta.

Yuta nodded then Doyoung walked out of the car to go inside the police station.

While waiting,Yuta started to feel sleepy so he decided to wait outside.

He waited outside when he saw Doyoung was talking with another officer.He felt suspicious especially because of Doyoung's serious look as if something bad had happened.

Suddenly,he looked at Sungchan walked out from the police station with another two people probably his parents.

Yuta felt the sudden urge of dissatisfaction as he saw Sungchan smiling and waving at him. His parents were talking to one of the detective while Sungchan approached Yuta with a huge smile.

"hi,why do you look so shocked?arent you supposed to greet me happily?",Sungchan talked to Yuta with his sarcastic tone.

Yuta tried to hold his anger so that he wont create a scene.

"you come to my house last night,arent you?",he asked Sungchan.

Sungchan raised his eyebrow then let out a smile,

"wow,you noticed that!Daebak!",he replied while clapped his hands.

Yuta curled his fingers into a fist to hold his anger.

"anyway",Sungchan said before he moved his head closer and whispered to Yuta,

"i should brought some popcorns last night",he said followed a laugh.

Yuta was red ravaged in anger as he raised his fist and punched Sungchan until he fell on the ground.

"Hey!",Mr Jung saw the incident as all of them ran towards Yuta including Doyoung.

Yuta wanted to attack Sungchan before Doyoung held Yuta's body to stop him.

The lady probably Sungchan's mother ran to Sungchan and hold his son while Mr Jung slapped Yuta's face and pointed his finger to him.

"who are you?!",Mr Jung asked while raised his tone.

Yuta smirked,

"at least i didnt raise a killer",he replied to Mr Jung before Doyoung pulled him away and bowed apologize to Sungchan's parents.

He quickly pulled Yuta to his car and forced him to go inside before he walked to the driver's seat and locked the door.

"yah!Are you insane?!",Doyoung scolded Yuta.

Yuta ruffled his hair then knocked the car's window,

"he talked sh*t with me first!i cant just let that happen!",Yuta defended himself.

Doyoung portrayed his frustrated look,

"but still,you shouldnt attack him!you might get summoned or go to jail because of that.I already talked to the---"

"shut the f*ck up,all police are useless!",Yuta interrupted Doyoung then leaned his back on the car seat.

Doyoung was shocked as he felt something snapped inside his heart because of Yuta's words.

Yuta noticed Doyoung's face changed cause Doyoung suddenly became silent.

"hey,i-i didnt--"he couldnt finished his words when he saw a single tear dropped on the corner of Doyoung's eye before he hurriedly wiped it.

He moved his back and took something from the backseat when he gave a book to Yuta.

"This is the girl's diary.I already went through it and she did mentioned someone named "the midnight guy".Maybe it related to Sungchan and also Shotaro",he explained it without looking at Yuta.

"hey im--"

"you can check the diary first and you can tell me if you got any hints or anything but if you dont want to,then its up to you",Doyoung said to Yuta before he started the engine and drove Yuta to his home.

Manifest // Yuta Nct ffTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang