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"So you're telling me that Xiaojun have woke up for the past two days?",Yuta asked with his dissatisfied tone.

"Its not like I dont want to tell you,its because both of us at that time were not talking to each other",Doyoung defended himself.

"You're being unprofessional",Yuta mocked Doyoung.

Doyoung looked at him annoyed,

"You're being overreacting",he said then sticked his tongue out before he looked back infront to focus on his driving.

When they arrived,they both walked hurriedly to Xiaojun's room as Kun was waiting for them.

"You're here",Kun greeted both of them.

Yuta looked at Xiaojun who was staring at the ceiling and Hendery who was holding Xiaojun's hand and kept on smiling at him.

"Maybe he's so happy his loved one already woke up",Yuta thought.

"You can try talk to him and i'll be at my room if you need me",Kun told Doyoung and Yuta before he walked out to his room.

Doyoung slowly walked to approach Xiaojun followed by Yuta.

"Hi Xiaojun,how are you today?",Doyoung greeted Xiaojun with a warm smile.

"Why you treat him like a kid?",Yuta asked before Doyoung nudged Yuta's elbow asking him to shut up.

"How is he?",Doyoung asked Hendery.

"His condition is stable,its just he cant talk much for a while and needs more rest maybe because of the accident",Hendery answered Doyoung while eyeing Yuta.

"Do you remember me?",Doyoung asked Xiaojun softly before Xiaojun blinked his eyes to respond to him.

"Today i come with my friend and we will ask you a few questions,can we?",Doyoung asked for permission.

Xiaojun blinked in response while Hendery began sat on the chair beside the bed to not disturb their interrogation.

"Do you remember what happen last night?",Doyoung asked but Xiaojun remained silent.

Doyoung brainstormed other similar question and looked back to Xiaojun,

"Do you remember who you with last night?",he asked before Xiaojun blinked in response and mumbled slowly,

"My friend",he answered.

Yuta crossed his arms against his chest while eyeing Xiaojun,he do really got some fishy vibe from him.

"Do you remember what happen to Shotaro?",Doyoung asked another question.

Xiaojun looked at Doyoung,

"Sh..shotaro?",he asked back.

Doyoung looked confused,

"You dont know Shotaro?",he asked.

Yuta sighed and pushed Doyoung's away,

"Shotaro is the one that died that night.The one that you claimed your friend and he's also my brother",Yuta told directly cause he cant stand watching the process goes slowly.

Doyoung pulled Yuta then whispered to him,

"What the hell are you doing?!",he scolded Yuta but lowered his voice so that they wont bothered the patient.

"What,you're so slow",Yuta responded.

Suddenly,they both was shocked when Xiaojun's face changed.He looked very panicked especially when he looked at Yuta.His heart started to beat aggressively as Hendery quickly ran to find Kun.

When Kun arrived with his nurses,he asked for Yuta and Doyoung to wait outside.

"Look what you done",Doyoung blamed Yuta.

Yuta shrugged,

"What?I just told him that..but you know what i got that fishy vibe from Xiaojun",he told Doyoung.

Doyoung shooked his head,he's so done with Yuta's attitude.

While they both waited outside,Yuta started to get bored so he decided to walk around the hospital.

As he was walking,he saw someone familiar was sitting at the corner.He approached that guy and sat beside him.

"Why are you covering your face?",Yuta asked but when Yangyang raised his head,he felt bad cause Yangyang was crying while covered his face.

"Wow im sorry",Yuta quickly apologized.

Yangyang wiped his tears and curved a smile at Yuta,

"Its okay",he replied.

Yuta was nervous cause he didnt know what to talk with when then he looked at Yangyang and tapped his shoulder,

"Why..are you..?",he couldnt finished his words before Yangyang hugged him and cried.

Yuta was startled with Yangyang's sudden act but he slowly reached his hand to pat Yangyang's back.

"Hae-Haechan..his condition getting worse..im worried..what if?..what if he di—",Yangyang couldnt finished his words as he burst with tears thinking about the last word.

Yuta cant replied anything cause his head suddenly reminded of how devastated of him when losing Shotaro.When he looked at Yangyang,all he think was himself crying for Shotaro.


They both turned to their side as they saw Kun coming towards them.

"Are you okay?",he asked before Yangyang ran to Kun for a hug.

"Haechan will be fine",Kun patted Yangyang's back to comfort him.

Yuta excused himself and ran to meet Doyoung.When he arrived infront of Xiaojun's room,he saw Doyoung walked out and looked at him.

"How was it?",Yuta asked.

"He's fine but Kun told me that he has to be there if we want to interrogate Xiaojun.Maybe Xiaojun's shocked because i used to come alone",Doyoung explained.

"You call him Kun?",Yuta asked teasing him.

Doyoung shrugged and smiled,

"Well we're getting close",he answered.

Yuta rolled his eyes then they both walked away to have lunch together.

Manifest // Yuta Nct ffحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن