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Yuta ran to his door when he heard someone knocked the door.When he opened,he saw Taeyong standing infront of him.

"I didnt know you want to come here.You come alone?",Yuta asked while Taeyong walked inside the house and closed the door.

"Yup,Doyoung got some work to do",he answered and sat infront of the Tv.

"I havent cook anything so—"

"Its okay,i come here to give you something",Taeyong interrupted and took out a sweater from his bag.

"I purposely bought this for Taro during our last vacation but i didnt get the chance to give this to hi—",Taeyong couldn't finished his words as the reality kicks him hard,he'll never get to give the sweater in-person.

Yuta tried to hold back his tears,he always felt something deep striked his heart whenever he heard Shotaro's name.

"Thank you",he took the sweater from Taeyong.

"Anyway,how's Doyoung?",Yuta tried to turn down the awkward atmosphere.

"He's fine but—"

Yuta gave Taeyong a confused look,

"Did something happened to him?",he asked.

Taeyong expressed his nervousness infront of Yuta,

"Please don't tell Doyoung",he asked for a favour.

Yuta nodded before he put Shotaro's sweater on the table and sat beside Taeyong.

"He's having a hard time at his workplace right now especially after you leave.They even want to stop investigating Shotaro's death because they think its a 'burglary' or like teenagers fighting because of girls etc but Doyoung always convinced them until they get annoyed of him",Taeyong explained to Yuta.

Yuta was so shocked with what he heard,he also didnt know how much Doyoung had suffered just because to help him.

"Dont felt guilty,its not your fault.Besides,Doyoung never told anyone.He loves to act strong so that people wont worried of him",Taeyong tried to comfort Yuta.

"Aissshh that man cant survive without me",Yuta cursed inside his head.

"Anyway i have to go now,sorry for taking your time",Taeyong excused himself and both of them walked to the door.

He waved goodbye and they both parted ways. Yuta closed the door and walked to the table as he held the sweater that Taeyong bought for Taro.

Even Taeyong know Taro loved to wear dark-colour apparel.He hugged the sweater as a tear dropped from the corner of his eye.

Suddenly,his mind clicked when he looked at the sweater.He remembered that Shotaro wore light purple-coloured sweater on the night that he died.

It also reminded him of the girl that went missing from what Doyoung mentioned before. "Do they know each other?",he thought.

"Or..Shotaro supposedly went for a date because he's wearing something that he's not used to"

Yuta walked into Shotaro's room to look for something that maybe related to the girl.He went through Taro's bed,study table and also his clothes rack.

After he checked on everything,unfortunately he found nothing that can helps him.

He remembered during that night,Shotaro brought his bag but he didnt know where his whereabouts. Besides,the police couldnt find Taro's cellphone and his bag so there might be something from Taro that the killer wanted to get rid of it.

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