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"I'm considering not asking Eli to be my boyfriend at the movies."

"Thank God," everyone says, watching me sit down.

"Dammit," Eli mutters, pouting. "I was looking forward to laughing at how jumpy you get during horror movies."


"Seriously though." Eli sets his phone down on the table. "You could ask me out right here, right now and I'd say yes. I don't need something fancy."

"Well some of us can use whatever Jack plans," Chase replies. "I know at least two people other than him in this group who want to ask someone out."

"Wait, who?" Jaxon asks. Chase rolls his eyes at him.

"Dumbass," Hudson snorts. Chase leans forward a bit and rolls his eyes at Hudson too. "Hey!"

"I'm sorry you're so stupid you can't even see that you want to ask someone out!"

"Alright." I slap the table lightly, drawing everyone's attention. "We can make one big plan that any of us can adapt and use. Sounds good?"


Eli drops his head onto my shoulder. I reach up and pat him a few times, ignoring his hand hitting mine.

"We need a location," Brendon states. "Not the movies, and not a restaurant."

"I happen to think the movies are a great date location," I say. "And I'm one of only three people who've actually been on a date in this group."

"It wasn't a date." Eli pats the top of my head. "Good try though."

"As the only person who's been on actual dates, I get a say in this movie theater debate." Cameron points a finger at me. "Movie theaters are terrible dates. Stop thinking you're going to go on one."

"Movie theaters are great places for dates."

"Eli you've never been on one!"

"I've almost been on one!" Eli exclaims. "So has Jack! We get a say in this too!"

"Almost isn't good enough!"

"Well fuck you!"

"Fuck you too!"

Eli and Cameron flip each other off in unison.

"Okay, that's enough," Chase and I say, pulling the duo's hands down.

"Anyways." Darren clears his throat and smiles. "The best place for a date is a strip-"

"I will stab you-"

"The best place to go on a date is a park with ice cream!" Cameron interrupts. "You can learn something about your date and you can sit or stand and talk. If you want to just be with that person, you can go at night and lay under the stars."

"Wow, you're a sap," Jaxon chuckles.

"You should be taking notes if you want to ask a certain someone out."

"Yes professor." Jaxon mimes picking up a pen and pushing up his glasses. "Please, continue."

Both Chase and Hudson smack the back of Jaxon's head.

"You guys are rude," Jaxon whines. "Dad, they hit me!"

"Who's the dad?" Eli whispers.

"You are," I answer.

"I am not going to be the group dad to you people."

"Okay, now that's rude!" Brendon exclaims.

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