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Darren, Brendon and I all howl with laughter as Elisica walks away from Jaxon, putting her earbuds in her ears.

"Oh my god, that was fucking beautiful!" Brendon exclaims, clapping a hand onto Jaxon's shoulder once he walks back to us.

"Dude, we made that bet last night," Darren laughs. "You really tanked your chance of winning."

"False," Jaxon says, tossing the bouquet of flowers into a trashcan. "I learned that she doesn't like flowers."

"Or maybe she just doesn't like you," I state. "After all, she's a girl. What girl doesn't like getting flowers?"

"That's very true," Darren agrees. Hudson walks up to us with a smile on his face.

"You're kidding, right?" he asks. "Jaxon did you seriously think that was going to work?"



"Yeah, okay, maybe I did think it was gonna work." Jaxon pouts, crossing his arms and kicking a pencil someone threw on the floor. "Not like any of you have any plans to try and woo her."

"Did you really just say woo?"

"Because you could do any better, Hudson!" Jaxon snaps. Hudson shrugs, then rolls his eyes.

"I could, actually."

"Yeah, he definitely could do better than that," I point out. "Hudson, you want in on the bet now?"

"My answer is still no." Hudson pulls out his phone. I feel my own vibrate in my pocket moments later and choose not to look at it.

Look. I might be an idiot, but I'm not stupid.

"What's the matter, are you a stupid gay?" Jaxon teases. Hudson rolls his eyes and face-palms.

"No, I'm not gay," Hudson replies. "And the LGBT community isn't stupid. Fix yourself before I smack you."

"Violent child," Darren snorts. "But yes, I agree. Jaxon, stop being a homophobic douchebag."

"I'm not!"

"Yes you are," the rest of us chorus. Jaxon sighs and shrugs.

"Doesn't matter if I am or not. What does matter is that-"

"You treat human beings like human beings."

Jaxon jumps a foot in the air at the sound of Elisica's voice.

"Where'd you come from!"

Elisica rolls her eyes and crosses her arms.

"I'm only back here because y'all are acting suspicious," she says. "I don't know what your game is, but just know that I'm going to figure it out."

Elisica whirls around and walks away, as graceful as ever.

"She won't figure it out," Darren assures the rest of us.

"She probably will," I disagree. "She's not fucking stupid."

"She'll be fucking handsome, though- ow!"

I shake my hand as Jaxon smacks his head against the ground.

"What was that for?" he whines. I shrug.

"Talk shit, get hit." I crouch down, glaring into his eyes. "Listen to me very closely: if I find out that you touched her in any way, I will end you. Understand?"

Jaxon nods, rubbing the back of his head. I nod, satisfied, and stand up straight.

"So we know neither Jaxon or Jack is going to win, so it's down to me and Brendon," Darren says.

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