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 I didn't end up getting my explanation before I left at ten, and I doubt Jaxon and Hudson ever had the conversation Jaxon wanted to.

I suppose I could ask Hudson now, but Elisica has actually spoken a not-insulting sentence to me today because of him, so later.

"So, Jack, what were you and Hudson planning to do before you saw us?" Chase balances atop a foot high wooden wall, his arms out to keep from falling.

"We didn't have anything planned," I answer, eyeing his feet. "And also you're gonna fall any second now."

"I'm not gonna- ow."

Elisica bursts out laughing, the back of a hand resting over her mouth.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" She leans over and holds a hand out to Chase, helping him to his feet. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine." Chase smiles at her before glaring at me. "Dickwad."

"What'd I do?"

"You messed with my vibe, bro. That's why I fell."

"You fell because you have next to no coordination." Elisica jabs two fingers into Chase's side before skipping three steps backwards. "That's a point for me, by the way."

"You are a dick," Chase states. Elisica nods.

"You guys still do that?" Hudson holds two fingers out and gestures between the duo. "Tase each other, I mean."



"And you have a point system?"

"If we tase each other and then get four feet away without being touched, it's a point," Elisica explains. "That was simple enough, then we realized we were racking up points so we had to make it more interesting."

"More interesting how?"

Elisica shrugs. "Haven't figured that part out yet."

"You could have the other person carry something and you have to take it without being touched, then move the four feet," I suggest. Elisica blinks and takes a few steps towards Chase, effectively ignoring me.

"Didn't I tell you to play nice?" Chase punches Elisica's arm, who laughs and punches him right back.

"Never said I was gonna listen."

Chase looks at me and gives me an exaggerated sad face. I shrug in response.

"It's how she is. Can't change it, don't want to."

Surprisingly, Elisica nods at me. Acknowledgement! We're getting somewhere!

"So now will you play nice?" Chase asks, turning Elisica to face him.


"Hey, I got a nod. It's fine."

"And I already regret it."

"Good thing you can't take back actions or words!"

"Can I punch him?" Elisica rolls her head until she's looking at Hudson. "Please?"

"Don't look at me, I'm not getting involved in this mess." Hudson raises his hands and uses one to point towards me. "But I won't stop you if you decide to hit him."

"Hudson!" I whine. He sticks his tongue out at me. I see Chase laughing in me peripheral vision and turn my head to glare at him.

"Oh hey." Elisica tilts her phone screen so Chase can see it. "Wouldja look at that?"

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