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"And to think that at the beginning of the year my car only had me while I drove to school." I sigh and smile. "That was more fun than this."

"What, you don't enjoy this?" Eli asks. I glance up in the rearview mirror at Hudson and Jaxon cuddling in the backseat and shake my head.

"Mainly because I can't do that with you."

"Oh, so you're just jealous." Eli pats my arm. "Don't worry, we can force one of them to drive some time and you and I can do, well, something."

"I'll accept that."

"The other guys are already at school," Hudson announces. "They're waiting by the side door for us."

"We haven't been to school in quite a few chapters."

"Doesn't mean we haven't been to school."

"Whatever happened to the fourth wall?"

"Hey, there's the guys!" Eli exclaims. I pull the car up to the curb and shut it off. Eli sets my backpack on my lap and gets out of the car.

"Hey." Chase raises a hand in greeting. My eyes dart to his and Darren's interlocked hands.

"I see your date went well?"

"Sure did." Darren grins. "And someone else is planning on getting a boyfriend."

"Shut up." Cameron shoves Darren's shoulder. "I'm not planning anything."

"I don't recall saying your name, Cameron."


"It's alright." Eli pats Cameron's head, smiling. "We won't judge you."

"Who're you asking out?" Brendon asks. Cameron opens his mouth to answer, then closes it as a cloud of red spreads across his cheeks.

"It's a surprise," he mumbles. "You'll see."

"I'm sure they'll say yes, whoever they are."

"They're worse than we were," Jaxon whispers.

"No one is worse than you were." Eli rolls his eyes and crosses his arms. "I'm not kidding, you two were terrible."

"We weren't this bad!" Hudson defends. Eli cocks an eyebrow and Hudson sighs. "Okay, maybe we were this bad."

"There's no maybe about it." I twine my pinky with Eli's. "You were."

"Well, we're together now so you don't get to complain about our obliviousness."

"No we still get to complain about it." Eli smiles. "We just also get to complain about how disgustingly sweet you two are."

"You got us together!" Jaxon rests his head on Hudson's shoulder.

"If I hadn't I'd be complaining about how oblivious you two were!" Eli's hand flies up in the air in exasperation. "Either we suffered with your obliviousness or we suffered with your sweetness."

"We suffered no matter what," Darren jumps in. "I for one am glad you two finally got together."

"You knew?" Jaxon questions. "How?"

"It was blatantly obvious," everyone answers. Jaxon starts pouting.

"It's alright." Hudson pats his cheek. "We're together now, it's okay."

"Well I guess everyone's rubbing it in our faces." Peyton walks by us, shoulder-checking Chase. "Out of the way."

Peyton calls Chase a slur which sets Eli off.

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