Extra #2

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Part one of two! 

Jaxon's POV of chapter 29

"Alright, Jaxon." Eli jumps to his feet and jogs towards the door. "Let's go."

I sigh and follow Eli outside to where Isaac's waiting in his car.

"Get in, losers!" Isaac honks the horn, grinning at us. "We're going shopping."

"This is so unnecessary," I grumble, sliding into the backseat and closing the door. Eli jumps into the passenger seat and twists around to smile at me.

"It's really necessary, I promise," he says, putting his seatbelt on.

"This is already way more extravagant than my plan to ask out Felix," Isaac laughs. "I know it might seem like a bit much now, but I promise it'll all be worth it when you see Hudson's smile at the end."

"If it makes it happy, I guess it's alright."

"You're such a sap."

"I'm not a sap!"

"You're a sap," Isaac and Eli chorus.

"You're a sap," I mock quietly, crossing my arms. "You two are jerks."

"We're helping you get the love of your life, don't insult us."

"So Hudson and I get to help you get the love of your life, right?"

"Jack and I are already dating." Eli flaps a hand in my general direction. "You don't get to help do something that's already done."

"Neither of you asked each other out! You just started calling each other your boyfriend!"

"That is how dating works, yes."

"You are so sassy, Eli," Isaac remarks. "No wonder my brother likes you."

"I am seriously surprised he hasn't gotten annoyed by me." Eli turns his head to gaze out the window. "I'm an annoying piece of shit."

"You're a lovable annoyance," I correct. "To us anyway. To the rest of the world you're just lovely."

"I should act like myself sometime in school, see what people's reactions are."

"They'll be surprised as all hell. Do it."

Isaac chuckles as he pulls into Jack's driveway. "We're going to get Jaxon into some nicer clothes, and then we're going to go to Lolli and Pops to get Hudson some candy."

I quietly pull my wallet out of my pocket and rifle through the bills inside. I should have enough to get him a nice mix of his favorites.

"Hey!" Eli smacks the roof of the car, looking at me through the window. "Let's go!"

I open the door and step outside, grinning. "I'm gonna look so fancy."

"You won't if you don't hurry up!" Isaac stands by the door, his arms crossed. "Hurry up you moron!"

"I will go even slower," I threaten, walking towards him.

"You do that and I'll get Eli to punch you."

"Yay!" Eli exclaims. I hear his knuckles crack and speed up, stepping around Isaac and into the house.


I turn around just in time to see Eli and Isaac high five, smiling at each other.

"You two are best friends, aren't you?"


"Let's go get you changed." Isaac spins me around and marches me downstairs to Jack's room. Eli pulls open the closet door and selects a blue top and black jeans, then spins around and throws them at me.

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