Extra #3

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Part two of two!

Jaxon's POV of chapter 30

"Are you ready?" Eli pulls the blindfold off of my eyes and I blink rapidly, trying to adjust to the sudden brightness.

"I would be more ready if you had let me write out my speech, but sure."

"If I had let you write your speech, you'd forget it immediately."

"You have no faith in me, do you?"

"No, I have total faith in you!" Eli pats my shoulders. "Just- trust me on this one, alright?"

"You don't have total faith in me."

"I don't you're absolutely right."

"You wound me."

I look over Eli's shoulder at Isaac, who's filming our conversation.

"You're not recording this."

"I absolutely am!" A shit-eating grin crosses Isaac's face. "You can turn around now."

I roll my eyes and spin around, a red string tied to a stick stuck into the ground leading down a path.

"Well this isn't ominous at all."

"Do you want to confess to Jaxon or not?" Eli pushes me forward, snickering when I stumble over a pebble. "Don't fall."

"If you hadn't shoved me-"

"I didn't shove you, I gave you a gentle push. It's-"

"Gentle push my ass!"

"Jaxon Wright, will you follow the stupid string?" Isaac shouts. I fling my hands into the air and stride forward, stopping when I see a photo attached to the string.

"Hey, this is from when Hudson and I first met." I pull the photo gently off of the string, studying it. "This is what Jack, Felix and Hudson were doing this afternoon?"

"I can neither confirm nor deny." Eli pats my shoulder twice. "But I can tell you that there's more pictures and something even sweeter at the end."

"That one's from my birthday party the next year!" I jog ahead and pull the picture off, grinning at Hudson and I's stupid smiles. "God we were so idiotic."

"God you're so in love."

"God you're so annoying."

"God I wish you would just walk forward to the next picture!" Isaac kicks me forward, laughing. "I doubt Hudson only wants to watch you stand there looking pretty."

I flip Isaac off over my shoulder before walking up to the next picture.

"Hey, Eli, I think that's yours." A shimmering blue bag hidden in the bushes catches my eye. Eli walks over to it and pulls it out of the bush as I take the picture off of the string.

"And what's that one of?"

"Homecoming, freshman year." I scratch the back of my neck. "We ended up dancing together to two songs. Something by Shawn Mendes and Adele I think."

"The first detail you can't fully recall." Eli throws his arms into the air. "Give the man an award!"

I kick a bit of mud at him, smiling when he yelps.

"Rude." He moves his foot to kick mud back, then stops and sets it on the ground. "Can't get you all dirty or Hudson won't want to look at you."

"Hudson likes looking at me no matter what clothes I have on." I roll my eyes and step over to the next picture. "Okay, I know Jack didn't have this photo. Who did?"

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