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 I got a hug from Elisica on Tuesday.

Technically she was shoved into me, but her arms were around me so I'm counting it as a win.

"That doesn't count," she announces upon seeing my face. "That dickbag pushed me."

"And yet your arms are still around me." I reach up and boop her nose. "What do you have to say about that?"

"Absolutely nothing." She rests both hands on my chest and pushes me away from her.

"You're blushing."

"No I'm not!"

"You absolutely are!"

"You're welcome." Jaxon leans in between us and grins, then ducks to avoid Elisica's hand. "Not today, Satan."

Elisica changes the direction of her hand and brings it straight down, smacking the top of Jaxon's head.

"That hurt!" he whines.

"Good," Elisica and I retort.

"You guys are absolutely made for each other." He stands and walks away, whistling what I think is supposed to be Viva la Vida.

"I never thought I'd hate Viva but here we are," Elisica states. I nod in agreement, ignoring the teacher shouting for us to quiet down.

"Oh, we're playing badminton today!" I exclaim. Elisica rolls her eyes.

"Did you see the nets up and think we were playing baseball?"

"Well, no, but-"

"Elisica and Jack, you two are partners!" the teacher yells. She and I exchange a look and shrug.

"Are you any good?"

"I'm okay, I guess."

Spoiler alert: Elisica's actually really good at badminton.

She and I high-five after she spikes the birdie into the floor.

"Nice." I nod. She nods back and catches the birdie in her left hand. I watch as she serves the birdie to the left side of the court, it hitting the floor just mere centimeters from the boundary line.

"Game point, right?" She and I switch sides. Our opposing team nods, exchanging a glance. She serves the birdie. Nicholas just barely hits it over the net, only for me to hit it back high into the air. Max hits it back then sits on the ground as Elisica spikes it into the floor.

"Hey, we won!" I call, waving to the gym teacher. He nods and marks something down on the sheet before calling out our next match- Jaxon and Hudson.

"Hey guys!" Hudson waves his racket at us. Elisica smiles and waves back.

"You guys serve first." Elisica hits the birdie gently over the net into Hudson's hand. He tosses it over to Jaxon, who smirks.

He serves it into the back corner. Elisica hits it low over the net. They scramble towards the birdie only to just barely miss it.

"I believe that makes it Hudson's serve." Elisica spins her racket a few times, smiling. Hudson grabs the birdie and serves it straight to me. I hit it back and Jaxon spikes it. Elisica hits it to Hudson, who hits it just slightly higher than he should've. Elisica spikes the birdie into the ground. Jaxon sighs and throws it over to me.

The rest of the game goes about the same way. Our points all come from Elisica's spikes. It ended with a score of 11 to 3, due to my screwing up a few times.

"Nice." Elisica raises her hand. I gratefully accept it, grinning at her. The teacher yells at a pair sitting on the sidelines and they walk to the opposing court.

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