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"Hey, Mom?" I call, opening the front door. "Can you come here for a moment?"

Eli grabs my hand and laces our fingers together.

"I'm nervous," he whispers. "What if she doesn't like me? What if she hates me?"

"She'll love you." I reach over and tuck a piece of his hair behind his ear. "I promise."

"What's up, Jack?" Mom walks around the corner and stops in her tracks.

"Mom, this is Eli." I squeeze Eli's hand and breathe out slowly. "My boyfriend. He needs a place to stay for a while and I was wondering if he could use the spare room downstairs."

"Is it another situation like Hudson's?" Mom asks quietly. I nod, and she immediately steps back. "Of course! Welcome to our home, Eli. It's a pleasure to meet you."

"It's nice to meet you too." Eli grins nervously and shakes Mom's hand. "If you need any help with anything I'll be happy to assist-"

"Nonsense!" Mom flaps her hand and laughs. "You're my son's boyfriend and, more importantly, a guest. I'm not going to make you do chores. You'll have to tell me how you guys met and how you guys got together over dinner, okay?"

"Thanks Mom." I smile. She walks away and both Eli and I sigh in relief.

"She's really nice," Eli comments, allowing me to lead him downstairs. "I'm glad you're letting me stay here, by the way. I know it doesn't seem like it and I was so averse to the idea in the hospital but I really am thankful-"

"I know, Eli." I turn and grab Eli's other hand. "It's okay."

Eli lets his head drop to my chest. "I don't deserve you."

"You deserve anything that makes you happy." I drop one of his hands and rest mine on the back of his head. "By the way, Hudson is staying here and Jaxon is over every day."

"So it might get loud?"

"What's cookin', lovebirds?" Jaxon shouts, running down the stairs. "Welcome to the party-"

"You don't live here." Hudson elbows Jaxon's stomach. Eli lifts his head and laughs quietly as Jaxon and Hudson wrestle each other to the ground.

"Are you buffoons done yet?" I reluctantly let go of Eli. "Eli wants to play some SubNautica."

"Yes!" Jaxon jumps to his feet and sprints past Eli and I to the TV. "How much do you know about the game?"

"Don't let him trick you into going to an island," Hudson says, getting to his feet.

"Because there's reapers and warpers." Eli shrugs. "I know a bit."

"The fuck are warpers?"

"Eli, you ruined it!" Jaxon whines. Eli rolls his eyes, walks over, and smacks the back of his head. "Rude!"

"You'll get used to it," Hudson assures Eli, stepping over to him. "Are you staying in Jack's room or the spare room?"

"Eli and I are going to stay in the spare room," I answer. "This way neither Eli nor Hudson are alone."

"I think you have an ulterior- hey!"

Jaxon ducks. The pencil hits the wall where his shoulder was.

"Well that was rude." Jaxon stands back up and sticks his tongue out. I shrug and lower my hand.

"Holy shit you have Spider-man?" Eli gasps and holds the game up. "Is it okay if I play?"

"Of course it is."

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