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 Chase gave Elisica up that Friday.

"She likes you," he whispers, showing me his screen. "I didn't realize that she would start liking you that fast. How'd you accomplish that?"

"I don't think she likes me," I reply, slowly reading through their conversation.

"I beg to differ." Chase points at one of Elisica's last messages. Yeah I might like him. So what?

"Holy shit-"

"Watch your fuckin' profanity."

"I will hurt you."

"Why are we hurting Chase?" Elisica walks up and rests an arm on top of my head.

"Hey Elisica." I look up and grin at the girl. She glances down at Chase's phone, then grabs it and whacks the top of his head.

"You're a jerk," she announces, letting the phone drop back into Chase's hand. "Yes, Jack, I might like you. I don't fully know. That's all there is to it."

With that, she sits down next to Chase and flashes her phone screen at us, one of the stupidest pictures I've ever seen in my life displayed.

"What even is that?" I squint at the screen.

"It's a horseshoe." Elisica grins, ignoring the pencil Chase throws at her.

"I hate you," Chase and I reply. Despite the pure idiocy of the picture I find myself laughing.

"Somehow I doubt that." Elisica taps a few things before sliding her phone to me, where a conversation Chase and I had is displayed. "This guy doesn't know how to keep conversations between the people involved."

"You are such a dick!" I narrow my eyes at Chase, a cloud of red adorning my face.

"I just wanted her to know that she had- I don't know, man! Don't kill me!"

"You want to ditch this prick and go grab a snack?" I stand up and point towards the door. Elisica tilts her head back and forth before nodding and jumping to her feet.

"Have fun on your-"

"I will hurt you." Elisica turns around and throws a pencil right next to Chase's head. He yelps, then sighs.

"Get me a bag of chips, please?"

"We'll see."

"Does that mean no?"

"Bye, Chase."

I walk into the hallway, Elisica snickering quietly behind me.

"I cannot believe he gave both of us up," I sigh, lacing my fingers together behind my neck. "Which vending machine do you want to go to?"

"The one by the office has better food." Elisica pulls out a pencil and starts twirling it through her fingers as she walks down the hallway. "Now the question is do I get Chase chips, or do I let him suffer without them?"

"Did he give you money to buy them?"


"Well then there's your answer." I lower my hands and catch up to her quickly. One of my hands accidentally brushes hers and she takes a step away, pink dusting her cheeks. "So you do just blush easily."

"Well- yeah." Elisica shrugs. "I do. It's the single most annoying thing because someone will lean too close to me or graze my hand or arm and my face will light up like a Christmas tree."

"It's not that bad."

"You're lying."

"I'm not!"

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