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"Alright, Jaxon." Eli jumps to his feet and jogs towards the door. "Let's go."

Jaxon vanishes from my sight mere moments before Hudson appears.

"Is it time?" he asks, twisting his fingers around each other nervously. I nod and walk him to the other side of the building. Eli's plan is working perfectly. They don't see each other until they're supposed to confess, so he and I came up with some busywork.

"There's Isaac's car."

Felix honks. "Y'all're slow!"

"Sorry!" I call, running up the sidewalk to him. "We had to wait for you-know-who."

"Right." Felix nods as Hudson reaches the car. "Get in, dorks, we're going to swing by Lolli and Pops."

"Wait, I can't afford that." Hudson steps into the car and immediately starts panicking. "I don't have a job, I don't have an allowance anymore and I wasn't able to grab any of my money-"

"Chill," Felix orders, turning the corner to drive to the next town over. "Do you know his favorite type of candy?"

"Blue raspberry and cherry."

"Gummies? Hard candy?"

"He's a sucker for gummy candy, but he also really loves Zotz."

"What's his favorite brand of candy?" I ask.

"G. B. Ambrosoli."

"Favorite drink?"

"Raspberry lemonade."

"Favorite band?"

"Written by Wolves."

"Is there anything you don't know about Jaxon?" Felix glances at Hudson in the rearview mirror. Hudson tips his head back and forth, then nods.

"Of course there is." Hudson shrugs. "I just pay attention to him more than most."

"How have they gone this long?" Felix looks over at me quickly. I shrug in response.

"I'm sure you and Isaac were like this when you guys were in high school."

"No, we weren't. Didn't fall in love with each other until college."

"So you were oblivious even longer! Got it."

"That is not-"

"I know my brother and I know he acted like Jaxon and Hudson. You can't tell me he didn't."

"He is hands down the most oblivious person in existence," Felix laughs. "He's an amazing person, but my god."

"Knew it." I turn around and grin at Hudson. "See, this is what you and Hudson are going to be like when you're older."

"I highly doubt that, but okay."

"Music time!" Felix exclaims, holding his phone out to me. "I have a playlist called Angy. Put that on."

"Is it full of angry music or music to calm you down when you're angry?"

"You'll see."

I roll my eyes and open up his Spotify app, plugging his phone in at the same time. I tap the specified playlist and Alec Benjamin starts playing.

"Oh, this is one of-"

"Jaxon's favorite songs?" I finish, twisting around in my seat to look at Hudson. He nods and looks out the window, a blush spread across his face. "You know him so well."

"Shut up," Hudson mumbles.

The three of us vibe in silence until we reach Lolli and Pops. Hudson picks out a custom mix of candy for Jaxon, Felix pays for it, then we get back in the car and sing very off-key until we get back home.

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