17- Choices

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My mood was totally ruined but I didn't bother saying anything more to Uncle and Aunt and turned towards the stairs.

I had just placed my foot on the first step, when I got a call from Lawyer Uncle.

Instead of going to my room, I side tracked and went to kitchen, so that I could attend the call peacefully as the elders were watching TV in the living room, while the twins were making too much noise in their room.

"Hello Uncle, if it is not important, can we talk tomorrow? I am in a bad mood", I said as soon as picked the call.

I was in a bad mood today. Plus I was already mad at Lawyer Uncle. For the first week, he had called everyday to check up on me but then his calls just decreased. It felt like he gave up on me. Now that his best friend was no more, why would he waste his time caring for me?

Talking to him right now would have been a disaster, so I thought it was better to directly tell him to not talk instead of getting into an argument.

"Bad mood? Why? What happened? Did your new family do something? Are they not like what they portrayed? Were they just acting to be nice and now showed their true colours? Did they harm you?

"Trisha tell me. Why are you not speaking? Just say the word and I will charge them with section—"

I interrupted him before he could start with listing all the sections in his law book.

"Stop right there. Nothing has happened, atleast not like what you are imagining.

"Tell me one thing, did you choose law as a profession because of your over thinking and over analyzing capabilities? Or the fact that you had a great memory to remember all the sections in the law book?" I asked, raising one eyebrow even though he couldn't see me.

He chuckled and replied, "I don't know why I chose this profession. Probably one of the reasons, you have stated. But seriously Trisha, what's wrong? Why are you upset?"

"I just came to know that there is only one college in this town. It came up unexpectedly and I am really upset. Like just one college, what future I would get by studying in that college?" I explained, feeling lost.

"Oh! What are your career choices? Are you upset because this college doesn't have the subjects necessary for your goal?" Uncle asked in a calm tone, which he usually used with dad when he was too worked up about some deal.

"Frankly speaking, I haven't really thought about my career", I replied while climbing on the kitchen counter to sit comfortably while talking.

"If you haven't even decided what you want for your future then why are you so upset? Just join this college for now", Uncle said, sounding confused.

Letting out a sad chuckle, I said, "To speak the truth, I don't even care about future goals, right now. I am just sad that one more thing was decided without my choice.

"My parents died and I didn't get to see them for the last time. No one gave me a choice and it was just decided that I couldn't see their bodies as they were too burned.

"I had to leave my home. No one gave me a choice to decide if I wanted to go or not.

"It was decided that I would live with my Aunt, a person whom I had never met. Fortunately, she turned out to be a nice person, but I didn't get the choice and was just forced to live with strangers.

"From a big city, I moved to a small town. Forget about asking me if I wanted to come in this small town, I wasn't even given the choice to decide when to leave from my home.

"I had hoped that atleast I would get to decide this small thing. Atleast my college would be of my choice, but that too was taken away.

All I wanted was to make a choice".

I vented out everything that was roaming in my head but then felt like kicking myself for baring my thoughts to a person who didn't even care.

"Sorry for annoying you with all these emotional talks. You called? Was there something you wanted to talk about?" I inquired.

He was silent for few seconds, probably shocked because of my rant.

"Umm...Actually I called as I was going to call housekeeping services to clean your mansion, so I wanted to ask that did you want to remove few unnecessary things or should I tell them to just clean and keep everything as it is?" he told me the reason behind his call, not bothering to comment on my rant.

"Tell them not to remove or even misplace the things. I want them in the same place as they were before", I said and ended the call without hearing what he wanted to say.

I jumped down from the kitchen counter and went to the sink. Splashing cold water on my face to calm down from the emotional roller coaster, I left the kitchen and moved towards my room.


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