27- Family Meeting

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Raghav's Pov:

Rishi was walking ahead of me. I could have crossed that distance with few long strides, but I just followed behind him, giving him time to think everything through.

The whole way from college to home, people kept looking at him, pointing towards him and talking in hushed whispers.

I felt like marching up to them and punching each and everyone. But this was the whole town, I was talking about. Don't know how this news spread throughout the town?

Was Trisha really behind this fiasco? I didn't want to believe it, my mind and heart both weren't agreeing that she could do something so vile but Rishi said only she knew about his secret. This put me in a dilemma.

Along with this came a huge wave of hurt that my twin couldn't trust me enough to let me know about his identity. He was in love and I wasn't even aware. I would have to talk with him about keeping things from me but that would be later. Now wasn't the correct time for that.

Rishi needed me and I would have his back, no matter how much hurt I was because of his actions. My hurt can wait, right now it was us against everyone. I would never leave him alone to face all this.

Rishi stood still upon reaching the entrance of home. Probably, not having enough courage to go inside. I went and stood beside him. Holding his hand tightly, I nodded at him, silently giving him courage and also telling him that he wasn't alone.

Heaving a sigh, we both entered to see Mom sitting on the couch, looking worried while dad was pacing to and fro, muttering something under his breath.

"Dad", I called out, pulling their attention towards us.

Dad stopped pacing and Mom abruptly stood up, upon noticing our arrival.

Rishi stood there not saying anything,  crying profusely with his head bowed. I felt so helpless not knowing how to help my brother who had always taken a stand for me.

"Rishi, what's the meaning of all this?Rumours have spread across the town like a rapid fire in just a few moments. Everyone is talking about you", Dad said, running a hand through his hair tension clear on his face.

Rishi cried even more and apologized frantically, "I am so sorry dad. I didn't mean to ruin your reputation".

Dad let out a sigh hearing him and moved towards him. Putting a hand on Rishi's shoulder, Dad tried to assure and explain him.

"Reputation is not what I am worried about. I don't care what people are saying. I am worried about you.

"Are you even sure that you are into guys or it is just a passing phase? You are still young. Take some time,think about it before making any decision".

Rishi just looked at him not saying anything.

"Dad, please don't be like this. There's nothing wrong if he likes guys instead of girls. Please we are not in 19th century", I spoke for my twin with  frustration, knowing how his words would have hurt my brother.

"Raghav, this is no way to talk to your dad", Mom chided sternly.

"Your dad just wants him to be sure. He never said that anything is wrong with Rishi or that we won't accept him", Mom said trying to word it properly what dad was trying to say.

"I am sure. Please don't hate me. Please...please don't...don't throw me out. I...I can't live without you guys", Rishi spoke hiccupping.

"What are you talking about? Yes, we are not totally comfortable as this is all new to us but if you are sure and this is what you want, then we will try our best to come in terms with it.

"We would never stop loving you, Rishi. Just give us some time to adjust with this news. And no matter what, we would never throw you out", Mom spoke, crying along with Rishi.

"Your Mom and I both have been thrown out by our families. We know what it feels like. We wouldn't even dream about doing this to our children even if we are not happy with their choices.

"Rishi, I promise we would try our best to accept you as you are, just be patient. And about your relationship, I am not asking you to break up or anything but don't cross your boundaries. Focus on your studies now and then take the relationship further when you have achieved something in your career", Dad said, having calmed down subsequently.

"Okay now stop crying", saying this Mom took Rishi with her towards her room to pamper him with her love.

"Where's Trisha? I called all of you here. Didn't you tell her?" Dad asked.

Before I could reply, Trisha entered the house.

"I am sorry I got late because..", she started but dad interrupted her saying it was fine today but to come on time next time whenever he calls for a family meeting.

After that he too left towards his room.

I just shook my head at her and left the room thinking it was for the best we didn't tell mom and dad anything about her leaking the information. There was already so much tension we didn't need to add more.


It was dinner time and everybody was at the dining table except Trisha. Fortunately, by now Rishi had finally stopped crying.

"Where's Trisha?" Mom asked.

We just shrugged our shoulders.

"Go and call her downstairs, food is getting cold", Mom said to Rishi.

"I will go", I said standing up knowing it would be difficult for Rishi to face her.

I knocked on her door, but didn't get any reply. I tried knocking again but still no response. I got worried and frantically called out her name but I only got silence in return.

I ran downstairs informing others that Trisha wasn't opening the door.

"What do mean she is not answering?" Mom asked worried.

"What if she hurt herself like she bymistakenly did last time, when we were angry with her", Rishi thought out loud worriedly.

"Why would you be angry with her?" Dad asked raising his eyebrows.

We both looked at each other not knowing what to do. We wanted to keep it a secret but in the end we told them about what happened today as we were worried that something must have happened to her.

Dad shook his head sighing after knowing everything.

"We will all talk about it later. It is not more important than her well being. We need to check whether she is okay or not. Rajveer bring the keys of the connecting room", Mom said as we all ran upstairs.


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