23- Tickle Monster

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We three sat on the floor of my room, engrossed in our mobiles, while Sia slept soundly on my bed.

"Hey! Kids, I am home", Aunt exclaimed, opening my room's door.

"Ssshh", we three shushed her, pointing towards sleeping Sia.

Looking at Sia, Aunt raised an questioning eyebrow.

We stood up and went to twin's room to talk, closing out connecting door slowly.

I explained Tanya's situation and apologized sheepishly, "Sorry, I know I should have asked you first before agreeing".

"No no, it's totally fine. Plus Sia is everyone's favourite", Aunt said waving off my apology.

"I know right, she is so cute. Don't know how she and Tanya are real sisters? Sia is so awesome and Tanya....", Raghav left his sentence incomplete, making a yuck face.

"You don't like Tanya?" I questioned nervously.

Tanya was my best friend and Raghav, my cousin. If they hated each other then it would be really hurtful to choose one person among them.

"Don't worry, Trisha. Raghav hates everybody who is cheerful and knows how to have fun, of course with the exception of me", Rishi assured me, simultaneously making fun of Raghav.

"Why bother making yourself an exception? I hate your antics too", Raghav said with a sarcastic smile.

"And I don't hate Tanya, I just strongly dislike her ways", Raghav explained, turning towards me.

"Oooo, strongly dislike", Rishi imitated him.

"Yoouuu", Raghav took Rishi into a headlock and soon Rishi punched Raghav in stomach.

While the twins fought, Aunt and I stood there amused, looking at all the drama.

"Why are you all fighting?" Sia said while coming from my room, rubbing her eyes with her small fists.

Raghav and Rishi stopped their fight, in an instant and sheepishly looked towards us for help.

"Dear, they weren't fighting. They were just playing a game", Aunt handled the situation.

"I also want to play. I also want to play", Sia chanted, jumping and clapping her hands excitedly.

"How about we play tickle monster? Let's start with the youngest player", Rishi suggested and both the twins moved towards Sia, wiggling their fingers playfully at her.

"No no! Let's start with the oldest", Sia said hurriedly and we all turned towards Aunt with a smirk.

"Why are you all looking at me? You kids play, don't include me in this game", Aunt said.

Before we could agree or disagree with her, Sia shouted , "HERE COMES THE TICKLE MONSTER", and ran towards Aunt.

While Sia chased Aunt, who ran for her dear life, we three stood there clutching our stomachs, while bursting out in laughter.

Aunt exited the door running and went downtairs and Sia too followed her.

"Be careful of the stairs, Sia", Raghav called out but all in vain and Sia was too engrossed to hear him.

I guess they both covered the whole house while running. We all got tickled by the tickle monster, one by one.

Soon, Uncle too joined us. All his exhaustion from the restaurant, seemingly vanished upon enjoying with Sia.

Even though no one wanted to, we all stopped the games for dinner.

After dinner too, we all played childish games with Sia and then went off to sleep, being dead tired.

Fortunately, Sia didn't have any problem sleeping and didn't cry for her parents too much. A phone call was enough to pacify her and then she slept, cuddling me.

No one was going to forget this day. Everyone turned into a kid while playing with Sia, even Uncle and Aunty.

The morning arrived and Tanya came to pick her up. I didn't want to let go of that bundle of joy but couldn't do anything.

She just left and I was already missing her.

"Stop staring at the door, she already left. Now let's start cleaning the house", Aunt said looking at all the mess we had created while playing.

Everyone groaned hearing her words.

"Don't make faces, and start working. If you don't want to clean, then don't make any mess, next time", Aunt said sternly, while starting to work herself.

Twins and I shared a look, indicating to never open our mouth about the messed up walls. If Aunt was behaving so stern for creating a mess, she was also involved in, what would happen if she comes to know about the drawings on the wall and the soap bubble fight?

"Why are you still sitting? Start working", Aunt yelled again, making us come out of our thoughts.

Begrudgingly, we all stood up and started cleaning.


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