32-Annoying Samar

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After hearing what Raghav said about Samar, I felt like kicking myself.

"Listen, you are doing great. Keep up this act, don't lose your temper. I will meet you later. Okay bye", saying all this hurriedly to Raghav, I ran after Samar to apologize.

"Woah! Wait. Where are you going? HEYY!!" Raghav called out after me.

"LATER", I yelled back, not bothering to turn or stop.

I ran fast to cover the distance between me and Samar.

"Hey Samar, wait", I called out when I was near to stop him.

He instantly stopped and turned towards my voice but his judgment was slightly wrong as instead of me, he looked at the wall painting which was at my left.

"Oh! It's Miss Attitude's voice. What did I do to gain your highness's presence?" he asked mocking me.

"Look at your attitude first, before talking about mine", I replied him in a flat tone.

I didn't correct him about the space he was looking at, so as to not embarrass him.

"Well...", I started but took a huge pause.

Taking a huge breath, I spoke again, "I came here to apologize, I wasn't aware that you couldn't see, when we had crashed", I finally apologized for my insensitivity.

"Oooo! You came here to say sorry for shouting at a poor blind guy", he said letting out a small laugh, not taking my apology seriously.

'This guy just can't stop irritating me. Here, I was saying sorry and he..he...ugh!!' I thought wanting to pull my hairs in frustration.

"You deserved every bit of my shouting. Just because you are blind doesn't mean you get a free pass out of everything. I only said sorry as I didn't help you after making you fall. That's it", I deadpanned, giving him a reality check.

He just shook his head smiling and then asked me with a charmed smile,"Will you do the honours to guide me to my class, I need some help? If you help me, consider yourself forgiven".

"Really? Using blindness to flirt with a girl. Raghav already informed me that you know everything in this town like a back of your hand. Stop faking it", I told him in voice that clearly stated that you are pathetic.

"Atleast I am not a stalker", he muttered in response.

"Excuse me? How dare you call me a stalker? On what basis did you say that?" I asked him preplexed by his accusation.

"Well you know my name, where as I don't know yours", he answered cheekily.

"And you also know everything about me, blindness and all", he completed moving his hand around towards his eyes.

"Blindness isn't everything that is to know about you. But yes I do know your personality- absolutely annoying", I told him in reply to his sentence and walked away cursing myself as to what was I thinking before coming to apologize to him.


Samar's Pov:

'Miss Attitude', she came like a fresh air to me. Even now, I didn't know her name but talking to her was refreshing.

Everyone always treated me like a fragile glass even after proving them again and again that I was fully capable of handling myself.

I was shocked when she crashed into me because everyone always moved to a safe distance so as to protect me from dashing into them.

Still I thought it must be a mistake and was ready to hear a whole round of sorry's but instead of that, I received a major surprise, in the form of her shouting.

Then and there, I knew she was new to this town and didn't knew about me. I was so sure she would behave exactly like every other person in this town when she would come to know about me but the girl still managed to surprise me.

I wasn't being ungrateful. I fully understood and knew that everyone here was just trying to make my life easy and it was their love and care about me that made them treat me like this.

But for the first time I got the feeling of being equal to someone. The way she talked to me like she would have talked to any other guy of our age.

Telling me there was more to me other than my blindness, that blindness was a part of me and not the whole me was like granting me a piece of heaven.

This was something I had always longed to hear and finally I found someone who agreed and acknowledged that fact.


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