20- A Sorry Day

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"Shittt!" I swore and followed the twins, bidding a hasty bye to Tanya.

"Guys wait", I called them but they kept walking at a high speed.

Damn they were so fast, I was breathing hard by the time we reached home.

"Wait", I shouted again, barely managing to walk behind them, all the while breathing heavily but they didn't pay any heed to me.

"What happened?" Aunt asked seeing me running after them.

"I will tell you later", I told her not stopping to talk to her and continued climbing the stairs.

I was at the second last step when they entered the room. Huffing, I reached but they shut the door on my face, before I could go inside.

I just stood there staring at the now closed door open-mouthed.

"Come on guys don't do this", I pleaded standing outside the door.

Gosh, these twins were so stubborn, they didn't even bother replying.

I huffed and told them,"You know we have joint rooms, I want to go to my room, Open the door".

I stood there finger crossed hoping they would fall for this words. Luckily it worked and Rishi opened the door. I rushed inside the room before they could change their minds.

"Why are you still standing here? Go to your room", Raghav asked with a  frown.

I looked cheekily at him and said, "I would leave when you forgive me".

He just shook his head and turned to another direction showing his back at me.

I turned towards Rishi thinking atleast he would forgive me.

But he too shook his head at me saying,"You really hurt us, you don't even know how many bad thoughts ran through our mind thinking something had happen to you".

"I understand that now, I didn't think you two would take this prank so seriously. It won't happen again I promise", I promised to never hurt them like this again.

"Alright", Rishi started saying.

I smiled thinking atleast he forgave me but I lost my smile when he changed his sentence seeing the look on Raghav's face and said, "No no it's not at all alright, we won't forgive you".

"Please", I tried once again.

Seeing them not relenting, I sighed and started going towards my room with a resigned pout on my face.

But being the clumsy person I am, I dashed into a side table and fell down hurting my hand from the broken glass which fell as the table moved.

"Aaaaaah", I screamed as my hand started hurting .

"Don't do the same drama again, we won't be fooled twice", Raghav muttered, thinking that I was pranking them again.

I took a deep breath and tried to stand up but couldn't as I hurted my already bruised hand while trying to stand up taking the support of the wall.

I started crying as I saw my hand continuously bleeding.

Upon hearing me cry, they both turned towards me.

"Seriously Trisha, stop your jokes. Atleast use a different idea. Do you think we would fall again for the same prank? Like really, using ketchup for blood would have worked for the first time but it won't now. And why the hell, did you ruin the wall with ketchup? Who will clean it?" Raghav spoke in frustration, anger evident in his voice.

I just sat there crying, not replying to him as the pain had intensified.

Rishi looked undecided as he took a few steps towards me, but again stepped back.

"Chuck it", muttering this he finally came towards me.

"Rishi don't go, she is going to laugh at us for fooling us yet again", Raghav said looking convinced.

Rishi sat near me and took a hold of my hand and saw that a piece of glass was stuck and swore loudly.

"Idiot, she is not lying, go and call mom, she is hurt", Rishi told Raghav while rubbing my back trying to calm me.

Raghav looked loss at words, seeming shocked that I was really hurt but quickly came to his senses and called out to Aunt.

Aunt called the doctor as the glass was stuck deep inside and she was not able to get it out.

Meanwhile, Raghav and Rishi helped me to stand up and go to my room.

After getting treated, Aunt told me to rest while she went outside to talk with doctor before seeing her off.

Rishi and Raghav sat beside me silently on the bed not knowing what to say.

"We are sorry", they apologized together.

A laugh escaped when I heard them.

"We are apologizing and you are laughing", Raghav said looking hurt and confused by my reaction.

"Well few minutes ago, I was saying sorry and you were the one's who were angry and now you are apologizing to me", I told them, wiggling my eyebrows.

"We should have came to your aid early, even Rishi realized that you were hurt but being the stupid idiot I am, I just stood there not believing you", Raghav spoke guiltily, bowing his head.

"It's okay. You were hurt by my stupid prank", I forgave them as I wasn't even angry, having understood their hurt and care.

"Come on now, enough of all these sentimental talks. We said our sorry's to Trisha, and Trisha said her sorry to us. So lets forgive each other and forget about all this. Let's watch a movie to end the day on a happy note",  Rishi said, already standing up to start the movie, not bothering to ask for our opinions.


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