6- Aunt Meera

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Aunt Meera's POV

Raghav and Rishi came to our room after greeting Trisha 'Good Night.'

"This was the first time you were away from home that too for a week. Do you know, how hard it was for us, especially Dad," Rishi said dramatically.

"I definitely know, how hard it was for you all, seeing the mutiple calls you made," I replied laughing.

It was true, neither Rajveer nor I had left this town, even once after we got settled here.

Why would we? There was no one waiting for us. After all, we both were thrown out of our homes.

After that dreaded day, I never met my family. Not even once. I always wondered- how they were? Were they in good health? Did they ever miss me? I was desperate to get even a single news about their whereabouts.

After 20 years, I received that single news. The news of their death.

I was devastated when I came to know about that dreaded fire. Even though we had broken all ties, they were still my family.

"Mom, mom." Raghav shook me out of my thoughts.

"What happened? You were laughing a minute ago and now you have started crying," Raghav asked worriedly.

Rajveer and Rishi too looked worried.

"It's nothing. I was just...." I started speaking but Raghav interrupted me.

"Was Trisha rude to you? Did she say something about the incident that happened 20 years ago? Is she the reason, you are crying. Just tell me and I will talk with her. Here, we are housing her. The least she could do is be grateful and not be rude towards you," Raghav said, anger flowing out of him in waves.

"Oh God! No! Stop making assumptions. She wasn't rude to me, nor she talked about that incident. How would she? Trisha didn't even know that her mother had a twin sister," I said bitterly.

"What?!" All three of them asked in shock.

Sighing tiredly, I told them everything that happened when I went to pick Trisha.

"I had thought that Trisha must be hating me as everyone would have told her their version of the incident. I was fully prepared for her hate but what I got was her shocked reaction.

"My family didn't find me important enough to tell their kids about me. Not even lies. Trisha didn't even know about my existence until this week." I told them about the hurt I had felt, this whole week.

"Meera, I noticed one thing. Even though she talked with you politely, she never looked at you. Why would she do that, if she wasn't informed anything about that incident?" Rajveer asked curiously.

As soon as the words left his mouth, Raghav got ready to burst into anger again.

Before he could start, I replied hurriedly, "I am not exactly sure but my best bet would be that the reason behind her avoidance is my face. I look like her mother. Maybe, that's why. I can't think of any other reason."

"Makes sense." Rishi nodded.

Rajveer hummed and said with a serious face, "Guys, please try to get along with her. She has just lost her parents plus she had to leave her home too. She has come from a big city and that's a major change. Your Mom and I have faced that change too. So please maintain patience incase she takes time adjusting to the ways of small town."

"Why should we? You two also needed help and support, did your family ever come to your aid? No right, then why should we bother helping her?" Raghav muttered, running his hand through his hair in frustration.

"Trisha didn't have any hand in these. That was all elders, and we can't punish her for something, she doesn't even know. You are right, we never got any help. That's why we know the feeling of helplessness. Hence, we are urging you to do something which we wanted someone to do for us." I tried my best to explain.

In normal circumstances, Raghav was the most level headed person, who usually thought with a calm mind. But never on this topic. He lost his cool, and his anger reached to the sky, whenever that incident was mentioned.

"We understand Mom, we will do our best to make her feel comfortable here. And don't worry about Raghav, I will manage him." Rishi promised while head locking Raghav, in the process.

Rajveer and I shook our heads smiling while Raghav and Rishi fought playfully.


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