22- A fun day with Sia

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I closed the door and went inside to see Sia sitting on the couch, swinging her legs, to and fro.

"Let's bake cookies", Sia told me, rubbing her hands with excitement, as soon as she saw me coming near her.

I chuckled inwardly, imagining what would happen if I tried my luck in kitchen.

"You know when I said let's destroy the house, I didn't mean it literally. Let's do something else yeah?" I asked, in a hopeful voice.

She pouted cutely hearing my words and pleaded, "Please, I promise I won't make a mess".

"It's not you, who I am worried about", I replied laughing a bit.

She wore a confused expression, not understanding that I was talking about my lack of skills but nodded her head nonetheless.

"How about we colour the books you brought?" I asked her, hoping it would engage her for few hours.

Thankfully, she seemed to like the idea. Not wanting to make a mess of living room with all the colours, I took her to my room.

We sat on my bed and Sia took out her colours and books from her mini bag.

The concentrated look on her face, while colouring was so damn cute that I couldn't resist taking her photos.

While I was admiring her, my phone rang. It was lawyer uncle's call. Nowadays, Uncle only called when he had some important work, so I told Sia that I would be near the stairs and to call me if she needs anything.

The call went longer than I expected. Though I wanted to hurry back to Sia, I couldn't just ignore Lawyer Uncle as whenever he called as the calls were only related to Mom, Dad or our mansion.

After finishing the call, I headed back to my room, only to receive a major shock.

Sia had drawn on all the walls of my room. I hope it was only my room.

"Sia", I called out, not finding her anywhere in my room.

She came out of the twins room smiling widely.

I ran to the twins room to find my fear come true. She had decorated their room too with her drawings.

I turned towards her and just asked why.

"I was bored plus the walls looked so plain and boring", she answered shrugging, not even realizing the blunder she had made.

I just stood there open-mouthed.

Before I could contemplate on what to do, I heard the sound of front door opening and then the twins voices.

I ran downstairs and tried to distract them from seeing their room while the culprit behind the whole thing kept laughing.

"Oh! Hey Sia", Rishi greeted her while raising his eyebrows at me as if asking why she was here.

"I am babysitting her today", I informed him.

"Oh ok! I will talk afterwards, as I badly need to change out of this shirt", Raghav said pointing at the huge stain of coffee on his shirt and started moving towards his room.

"What's the need? It doesn't look too bad. Sia has come, let's stay here and talk with her first", I told him, mentally pleading him to not go to his room.

He just looked at me as if I was a gone case and left towards his room.

"TRISHA", Raghav shouted from his room.

Hearing him, Rishi ran towards the room. Sia and I too followed him.

"What's the meaning of this?" Raghav asked angrily pointing towards the walls.

"You didn't like my drawings?" Sia asked him, looking like she would cry any minute, before I could even open my mouth to answer him.

Raghav's eyes widened looking at her forlorn face. He turned towards me helplessly. I just shrugged, not helping him in the slightest way. Narrowing his eyes at me, he sat on his knees, coming to Sia's height.

"Oh! No no, they are very beautiful", Raghav told her, looking so scared that he made her cry.

Knowing Raghav won't be able to handle or deny a sobbing kid, Rishi took over from there and sat beside Raghav.

"Sia, they are beautiful, so we will take a picture of it to remember it forever but we need to clean the walls to make space for you to draw when you come here next time", Rishi said in his usual charming tone.

I crossed my fingers, praying that this idea would work or else we would be getting a huge scolding from Uncle and Aunt.

"Okay, I will draw even more beautiful drawings next time", Sia agreed, thankfully taking the news of washing walls well.

"Come on now. We need to clear this mess before mom comes", Raghav said, already on his way to gather supplies.

I don't think anyone would be surprised to know that our cleaning session turned to a soap bubble fight.

Everyone was drenched in soap water by the time we finished cleaning.

Thankfully, Tanya had packed extra clothes for Sia.

As Sia was tired from all the activities, she wasn't fussy while taking a bath and even stood still while I helped her to wear night wears.

Finally, after eating a snack, Sia slept off for the rest of the day, seemingly tired of the activities.

Looking at her soundly asleep, we three let out a huge breathe of relief.

Taking care of a kid was so damn difficult.


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