18- Caring brothers

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My head hurt from all these talks. Not having the mood to talk anymore, I just went inside my room, ignoring the confused stares of the twins, who had seen me running from the room crazily after receiving Tanya's call.

I sat down on my bed groaning while clutching my head tightly with my hands.

Rishi and Raghav entered the room after a few minutes. Without even muttering a word, they both silently sat down on the either side of me; Rishi to my right and Raghav towards my left.

Irritated with their silence, I looked at both of them with an annoyed stare.

"Atleast let me sulk in peace", I told them as even though they weren't speaking, their silent stares were enough to annoy me.

My frown increased when they smiled, after hearing my annoyed voice.

"What happened?" Raghav asked me gently.

I shook my head not replying knowing that they would have same reaction as Uncle and Aunty.

"Come on, even though we won't have any solution to your problem, we have been told that we are good listeners," Rishi said putting his hand on my shoulders.

I let out a sigh and told them about what happened. But I only told them about college and not about other factors where my choice wasn't taken into account.

"I want to choose where I want to go, what I want to do. But here there is monopoly in everything. I want options, I want to select the best. And no, I am not trying to make you feel inferior for having only one college",  I added further staring pointedly towards Raghav.

Raghav smiled remembering our previous conversation about the mall while Rishi sat there confused.

Rishi asked,"What are you talking about?"

"Nothing important, leave it", Raghav replied instead of me.

"We may not fully understand where you are coming from, as we have never seen anything different, but please don't discard anything without giving it a chance.

"Give it a try and if you still don't like it, we will talk to our parents from your side", Rishi said giving me a small smile.

I nodded thinking even though I wasn't asked before, the twins did promise to take my opinion if I didn't like the college. Something is better than nothing.

"Enough of these tough talks, I can't take it anymore", Rishi exaggerated, faking to wipe sweat from his forehead as if he had done a tough job.

Raghav and I laughed at him but still nodded and changed the conversation to some fun and stupid topics.

I don't know how from talking, we went to pillow fighting, making a mess of my room.

While fighting with them, I suddenly remembered that I forgot to reply Tanya about shopping tomorrow.

"Stop stop", I said covering my head to save myself from the blows as I had thrown my pillow away as I remembered that I had abruptly cut off Tanya and she would be waiting for my reply.

"Why did you stop? We were having so much fun", Rishi whined.

Raghav slapped the back of his head and eyed him to put down his pillow or what was remaining of the pillow as we had just ruined them all while playing. Putting down his pillow as well, Raghav asked me why I had stopped.

"I need to text Tanya", I replied absentmindedly while trying to search for my phone in all this mess.

"What text?" Raghav asked throwing my phone towards me from other side of the room.

"You can't just throw my phone or else buy me a new one if it breaks", I told with my eyes widened as I barely managed to catch my phone.

"Yeah yeah", Raghav said in a nonchalant manner.

I shook my head at him and answered his previous question, "About going shopping tomorrow, we are going to buy stuff for college".

"We also have few things to buy, shall we tag along?" Rishi asked.

"Sure, let me just ask Tanya if she is okay with it", I told them while texting Tanya.

After getting a positive reply from her, I informed them.

"Okay then, good night", Rishi said, already moving towards the door.

"Woah! Wait who will clean this mess?" I asked him incredulously.

"Your room your problem", both of them shouted together and left my room laughing.

I just stomped my legs in frustation and started cleaning my room while simultaneously thinking of some way to get back at them.


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