19- A prank gone wrong

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I knocked on our connected door continuously so that the twins could wake up.

I wasn't going inside and see them shirtless again and they weren't picking up my calls, so knocking like an idiot was an only option that was left with me.

"Come on, wake up", I shouted while leaning on the door with closed eyes as I was still a little sleepy.

"Aaaaa", I yelled out as I lost my balance when the door opened abruptly.

Both the twins clutched my hands tightly to save me from falling hard on the floor.

"What the hell where you doing?" they both asked in unison, after pulling me up.

"I was...I was just. Argh! I don't know", I mumbled incoherently, still shocked from my sudden fall.

They both shook their heads at me, giving me 'what should we do with you' look.

"Stop acting in unison. It's too early to give someone creeps with your identical expressions", I spoke in annoyance, slightly creeped out by their similarities.

"Well get used to it, we are not changing ourselves. Now tell us, why did you wake up so early?" Rishi asked with a yawn or was it Raghav?

Uggh, I still wasn't fully able to differentiate between them as they both wore similar type of night wears.

"For shopping. Tanya and I decided to go early, to avoid rush. Get ready fast, so we could get going", I informed and went back to take out my clothes from cupboard.

Waking them up was a mistake, a big mistake. I should have taken a bath, before trying to wake them up. Now three of us were fighting to use the bathroom.

Ever heard of the story where monkey gets the benefit in the fight of two cats. It was the same situation here. While we were fighting and dragging each other away from bathroom, Uncle went to take a bath and closed the door loudly to let us know about our loss.

"It's all your fault", I screamed to both of them.

"Oh please! You were also fighting. We all are equally responsible", both of them said together.

I was seriously annoyed of this. Why did they always synced?

"Alright! Now let's decide in our old way. Whoever wins will use the bathroom after dad comes out", Rishi suggested and we three simultaneously yelled out,


Raghav and I had made a scissor with our fingers while Rishi showed his fist, indicating stone. Having won, he looked at us arrogantly. Whistling a victory tune, he shooed us off.

Raghav and I groaned but we left to go to our respective rooms.


We found Tanya near the entrance of the mall.

"Hii", Tanya greeted us side hugging me and Rishi, and just nodded at Raghav.

The boys needed to buy things that were in the different section so we parted our ways, after deciding to meet after an hour.

"I didn't know that you were Rishi's friend?" I asked her curiously, as she had hugged Rishi too.

"There is no one in this town who is not Rishi's friend", she replied chuckling.

She explained further when I raised my eyebrows at her sentence.

"You see, Rishi is kind of popular here, not stuck up popular who thinks he is better than everyone but the type of popular who is nice and friends with everybody".

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