51- An important lesson

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There had been change in schedule and now instead of three days of learning and other three days of teaching, Samar now did it alternative days.

As yesterday he taught the kids, today was his learning day.

The class was rectangular in shape, having platform seating all around it.

Samar stood in the middle with other two students and their teacher, while I sat on the platform along with Swati Aunty and the guardians of other two students.

There were objects placed around the room to create obstacles.

"What are they doing?" I asked Samar's Mom as Samar along with other two students followed the professor throughout the room. Counting and stopping at every turn and again starting the same process.

"Calculating the steps, so that they are aware in which direction what is placed and where they have to go", she answered offhandedly, her whole attention on Samar.

"Oh okay", I muttered and focussed ahead.

They were soon done with their calculations and came back to their original spot, in the middle of the room, while their mentor stood at the side with folded hands.

"Reach your guardians", the voice of professor boomed in the room.

Soon Samar and the other two students started walking towards us, trying their best to avoid obstacles.

It was my first time, seeing samar use his stick as he never needed it while walking through the town.

Slowly and steadily, he reached us without any mishaps.

Swati Aunty stood up to hug him. I too wanted to do the same but settled at clapping, knowing that this might not end well with his Mom present here.

Other two students too reached successfully. One of them had stumbled a little, but she was quick to regain balance and successfully complete this.

"So the practice is over, right?" I asked Samar.

I was really scared when he was walking through the obstacles, but now that it is over, I found relief spread throughout my mind.

"The practice hasn't even started yet. I had ordered them to walk just so I could compare the difference in their composure and their ability between now and when the situations arise. This year their goal would be to reduce that difference", their mentor answered instead.

"What situation?" I asked, feeling the dread of what his answer would bring.

"You will see", saying this he walked back with his students to their spot in middle and hinted us to sit back.

"Walk towards your guardians", the Sir's voice boomed for the second time today, effectively managing to raise my heartbeats.

Just like the previous time, they started walking. It was all the same but suddenly it wasn't.

A loud booming noise of traffic, honks of the cars, screaming of people filled the room, startling all of us except the teacher.

The calm and balance that I had seen in Samar vanished and a frantic look took it's place as he moved his head to understand where the noise was coming from.

"MOVE", Sir yelled and the three students started to move hesitantly.

The noise was distracting Samar. He had easily moved around the obstacles first time, but this time he kept forgetting his calculations. I knew this because he had now started calculating the steps out loud.

"1, 2, 3...shitt", he paused again.

He stumbled around the objects and even clashed with the other guy.

Muttering a sorry to each other, they moved further.

I was already at the edge of my seat, barely controlling myself to not run towards him but his fall was the last straw.

This was not done. I couldn't let him get hurt, while just sitting here. I stood up to go towards him but a hand clasped my wrist, stopping me to move further.

I looked towards Aunty with a plead in my eyes but she shook her head and made me sit down again.

"Please", I begged her to let me help him.

"I know this is hard but you can't do this Trisha. If you are worrying so much as a friend then imagine how worried I am. He is my son. The only reason I am not running towards him is because he needs to fall before he rises up again.

"This is what I have been going through ever since his childhood. Do you really think, he now knows our town like the back of his hand, just like that? Without ever getting wrong? Without ever falling?

"This was possible as he learned from his failure and that's what he is going to do today. We aren't going to leave this room until three of them manage to reach here. Understand?" Swati Aunty explained with fierceness.

I understood where she was coming from but those three were going to be brutally hurt, by the time they managed to reach here or if they ever managed to reach.

The noise was confusing them. Making all the practice and calculations disappear as their concentration was broke constantly.

"Just a little help?" I asked again, hoping she would agree.

She sighed shaking her head a little. With a fond smile on her face, she caressed my hairs.

"Do you know about the story of the caterpillar?" She asked.

I was confused as to how did caterpillar come into this conversation but then concluded that she was just trying to distract me.

I wanted to concentrate on Samar but didn't want to be rude to her as well so I answered.

"Which story?"

"Let me tell you. A man found a cocoon of a butterfly with a small opening. Fascinated by it, he stopped to watch it try to come out of the cocoon.

"The caterpillar tried hard but failed several times. Feeling bad for the caterpillar, the man took a scissor and cut the cocoon to help it come out. The man wanted to help but he did the opposite as because of his help, the butterfly didn't receive the proper nutrients, it would have got while coming out with his own pace. Now the butterfly had swollen body and shrivelled wings and thus resulting in its inability to fly".

She finished the story and I now knew this story wasn't a distraction but a lesson.

Me helping Samar now, would leave him helpless like that butterfly. Even if he failed today, he would be successful one day. He would only gather strength and ability to move around independently, if he won this challenge on his own.

Sending a grateful smile towards Aunty, I turned and watched Samar lift himself up again.

"You can do it", I cheered in a low voice, not wanting to distract him further with my voice but still cheering him with full conviction that he would succeed.


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