42- Camp

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Not bothering to discuss how my paper went with my friends or even celebrating the fact that it was our last exam, I rushed towards the place, Samar and I had decided to meet.

It was our last exam and Samar would have definitely understood if I went later to talk to him but I was so worried and curious that I told him to come near the college to meet me as soon as my exam ended.

Samar wasn't there when I reached, so I sat under the shade of the tree while waiting for him.

I kept on looking at my watch, growing impatient. He was always so punctual but he decided to be late today when I was already scared thinking about what he was gonna say.

I breathed out a huge sigh and stood up, when I finally saw him coming towards me.

"Here you are. I thought you forgot that we were going to meet", I commented, complaining and letting him know my presence at the same time.

"Sorry sorry. I guess everyone left the examination centre at the same time. There was a huge crowd of students, talking and celebrating near the college. So it became really difficult for me to make way without hitting anybody. And I also had to stop for few minutes until the crowd dispersed", he apologized as soon as heard me.

"Really sorry. You could have even celebrated a little with your friends by this time", he spoke, cursing himself.

"It's not a big deal. So don't worry", I assured him.

There was no need to berate him when he was already feeling guilty. Plus I knew that all that must have genuinely happened and he wasn't just making an excuse to get out of the situation.

"So you wanted to talk about something?" I asked him, directly getting to the point.

He chuckled when I discarded the topic and came to the main point.

"There's no going around you, always cut to the point. So frank", he said in amusement.

"If you are done stating the obvious, can we come to the point?" I asked him, growing impatient.

"Alright, alright", he said, putting his hands in a surrendering position.

"Well you know about making you my girlfriend and getting into the relationship...", he trailed off, skyrocketing my worries.

"What about it?" I asked in a small voice.

He sat down under the shade of tree, motioning me to do the same and looked at me with a sad smile.

"Don't look at me like this. You are scaring me", I muttered, feeling dread on what was going to come.

"Don't panic. It's just that I want you to see a major part of my life before you decide/ agree to become my girlfriend. I want you to see me when I am not calm and composed like I am here majority of the times.

"See, even though you like me, it's gonna be really difficult to be with a blind person for your whole life and I don't want you to regret choosing me. So, I want to show you that major part of my life where I am most vulnerable", he explained calmly, but it was clear that he was panicking from inside.

Though I wanted to disagree and tell him that I would choose him regardless, I didn't. It must have taken a lot of courage for him to think and tell me about all this and if I just disregarded it right now then the insecurity of me regretting everything later on, would crush him.

I understood what he was trying to say but I didn't get one part of his conversation.

"Major part of life?" I asked him in confusion, not knowing what he was talking about.

"Do you remember the camp I told you about? Where I go every vacation?" he asked, looking at me expectantly.

"Ofcourse I do. What about that? You want me to see your camp?" I asked him, getting an idea of what he was talking about.

"Yes. So will you come with me to the camp this vacation?" he questioned in a hopeful voice.

"Am I even allowed to?" I questioned back as it was the camp for disables.

"Ofcourse. You can even volunteer to help the new joinees. I promise you will love the camp and the people there", he answered confidently.

"I don't mind".

He smiled hearing my words.

"But don't get your hopes up. I still need to take Uncle and Aunt's permission", I informed him.

They didn't let me out after 9 pm. There was little to no chance that they would agree to this.

"No problem. You take their permission. Mom will also come with us, so I don't think they would have much problem", he said, being optimistic.

"They will have problem, if they come to know that I couldn't study whole night because of your suspense", I teased him.

Looks like he didn't understand that I was teasing him as he got super tensed.

"Shit! I am so sorry. Oh My God!! Did your paper went bad because of me? I am so stupid. Please please forgive me", he pleaded with worry stretched across his face.

I wanted to tease him further but I bursted out laughing by seeing his cute expressions.

"Woah! Relax buddy. Damn, you got so worried. I was just teasing you. My paper went well. Chill", I reassured him.

He let out a deep breath and I gave him a tight hug to calm him down.

After he had calmed down, he let out a laugh at his stupidity while I laughed at his cuteness.


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