46- Sharing the Room

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What would we do? Only two rooms. How were we going to adjust? While I was freaking out inside, Raghav being the levelheaded one among us, came up with an idea.

"How about Aunty and Trisha take one room while we guys would take the other?" Raghav suggested, looking at everyone for our reactions.

"Yeah, that's a great idea", Rishi sighed in relief.

Looks like, I wasn't the only one who was freaking out.

Aunty shook her head and spoke in a remorseful tone.

"I am sorry dear, that won't be possible. I need to be with Samar. Samar has calculated all the steps in our home even the college to move around freely. But here there is a greater chance he would get hurt.

"None of you have any idea about guiding him so it is better if I stay with him. Now you all take some rest, as we had a long ride. We will meet tomorrow morning".

Saying this she went in her room with Samar while we three stood outside glancing at each other nervously.

Even though we had become quite close, we had never shared a room before. Forget sharing a room with the twins, I had never shared a room with anyone before.

"Trisha, I know it's quite awkward but don't worry we will manage. You can also take the bed, we will sleep on the floor", Raghav being the gentleman he was, tried to assure me and Rishi nodded agreeing with Raghav.

"No way. You two sleep on the bed while I will take the floor. It makes no sense for two people to suffer while one takes the luxury", I denied instantly.

"Come on, we can't really make you sleep on the floor. We won't be getting any sleep because of guilt", Rishi pestered.

"Let's not fight here", Raghav said, hinting towards the closed door where Samar and his mom were currently residing.

"You are right. Let's get inside, first. We will discuss this later", I muttered and turned the key to see the room number.

"Which one is it?" Rishi asked curiously.

"276. We are two doors away from Samar", I answered and moved forward to open our room.

As soon as I entered, a smile crept on my face. Our problem was solved.

I turned towards the twins, smiling widedly, startling the hell out of them.

"Woah!! What got you so happy?" Rishi asked, looking alarmed.

I motioned towards the couch that was placed a little away from the bed.

"Our problem is solved. No one needs to sleep on the floor. I will take the couch and you two can sleep on the bed", I answered, plopping on the couch with a thud.

"But...how can we sleep on the bed? You take the bed, Trisha", Raghav protested again.

Making a bad face at him, I gave him a piece of mind.

"Did you lose your brain on the way? You want me to sleep on the bed which is big enough for three people, and you want to sleep with Rishi on the couch which can handle only one person.

Seriously Raghav, stop fretting. Couch is comfortable enough for me. Now don't argue with me, I have my dibs on this couch", I said spreading my arms, marking my territory.

They both sighed but agreed nonetheless.

I smirked feeling victorious but it fell right away when the thought came to my mind.

One problem was solved, but there were many to come.

The ride had made me all sweaty and I badly needed a shower. Shower wasn't the problem here but the fact that I found it too difficult to wear or remove jeans in the bathroom. I couldn't even change in room as the boys were here.

Removing my stretched arms from the couch and bringing them to my lap, I contemplated on what to do. While I was thinking, twins made their way onto the bed and sat down comfortably on it.

"Guys...Can you go outside for sometime?" I asked, finally gathering courage to do so.

They looked at me with confusion and asked why.

Scratching my head sheepishly, I told them the reason.

They both smiled softly at me and went away without saying anything.

I let out a breathe and showered as quickly as I could, not wanting to keep them waiting for long knowing they were tired.

Looks like I wasn't the only one who was embarrassed as they too sent me outside afterwards as they took their showers.

Having showered, we finally collapsed on our beds. Well the twins on the bed and me on the couch.

I faced the wall, turning away from the twins. Being conscious that my night dress would move inappropriately during the night, I wrapped the blanket even though it was too hot.

Taking a shower was going to be a waste as I had started sweating again.

"Trisha?" Rishi called out after 10-15 minutes.

"Yeah?" I asked still facing the other way.

"Umm...you are not going to face towards us for the whole night, right?" he asked sounding hesitant.

"Hmmm", I hummed in affirmation.

"I promise I will wear it again in morning, before you wake up", he said, confusing the hell out of me.

"What are you talking about?" I asked sitting up, looking towards him with confusion.

"It's too hot. Plus we don't have the habit of wearing t-shirts at night. Can I sleep shirtless? I promise, I would wear it again before you wake up", he pleaded.

"You cannot put Trisha in dilemma like that", Raghav spoke, sitting up as well.

"I wouldn't have asked if I was able to sleep with it. I tried sleeping but it is too uncomfortable. Please understand", Rishi resorted to begging now.

"It's okay", I agreed and slept facing away again.

"Umm..guys", I called out after few seconds passed by.

"Yeah?" they both asked in unison.

"You two are also going to face the other side, right?" I asked in a low voice.

"Yeah, why? Do you also want to remove your t-shirt?" Rishi asked dumbly.

His question was followed by huge thwak (head slap given by Raghav) and loud cry by Rishi.

"I wanted to take off this heavy blanket", I explained in a deadpan voice.

"I didn't know, removing a blanket was such a huge deal", Rishi commented and got slapped again.

"There's no list where it is mentioned that how, where and when a person can get uncomfortable. It differs from person to person", Raghav explained to Rishi.

"Trisha, don't worry and sleep peacefully. We won't turn your way", Raghav assured me.

Wishing each other, 'Good Night', we all closed our eyes.

Being tired of the journey, it didn't take long for sleep to take over.


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