16- Junior College

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My outings in the park became a daily occurrence, now that I found a friend. Tanya and I hanged out at lot of places but park was the most common one, seeing that Sia also tagged along for most of the time.

So whenever Sia was with us, we would go to the park as it was safe for her to roam around there, without getting lost. On the other days, we tried other places.

Even though I enjoyed spending time with them, I was confused when they spent everyday with me. I was new to this town and didn't have any other friend but surely Tanya and Sia would have friends here seeing that they were born in this town.

The confusion frustrated me, so I just straight away asked her instead of mulling over it and assuming things.

Turned out that even though they were in good terms with everybody, they only hanged out with their close friends, who right now were spending their vacations with their extended families in another town.

For a moment I thought that Tanya was just with me because she was alone and would leave me once her friends would be back but she brought me back to the reality by hitting the back of my head and said,

"Idiot, if that was the case then I have too many people in this town to time pass with. I just told you that I only spend my time with close friends. Do you know, what that means? - You Are My Close Friend. And you will stay like that even after my other friends come back".

Tanya was really angry at me that day as I had assumed her to be selfish but she forgave me quickly when I apologized to her, doing sit ups and holding my ears while making a puppy face, courtesy of Sia's mindblowing idea.

It was just a week but it felt like I knew both the sisters from so many years. They both had created a special place in my heart.

It was good to have a friend. The twins were nice and I truly liked them but I couldn't share everything with them without feeling awkward. Tanya coming into my life was like a blessing.


I was at the twins room, playing board games with them when my phone rang.

"Ooo, who is calling you at night? Hmmm? Should I tell dad?" Rishi teased.

I just shook my head at him chuckling and answered my phone.

"Hii Tanya, missed me so soon?" I asked her teasingly.

"Yeah, I couldn't breath without hearing your voice", she replied in a dramatic voice.

We both let out a hearty laugh and then she spoke,"I actually called to ask if you were up for some shopping tomorrow?"

"Shopping? Is there any sale", I asked her, getting excited.

She chuckled and said, "No, its just that I wanted to buy few things as junior college would start soon. I don't like last minute shopping".

"Shit! I totally forgot about that, I didn't even search among the colleges to decide where I would take admission", I said feeling stupid about forgetting such an important thing.

"Search? Dear, are you by any chance unaware that this town has only one college?" Tanya asked gently.

"One college?" I asked her incredulously.

"Yeah, we don't have much population here, so there's only one college", she replied.

"Listen Tanya, I will talk to you later, something came up", I told her and rushed downstairs to talk with aunty.

"Trisha what happened", Twins shouted as the saw me running past them.

Aunty and Uncle were watching T.v. in the living room when I stood before them huffing due to all the running.

"Trisha what happened?" Uncle questioned, muting the sound of T.V.

"Why didn't anyone inform me about junior college?" I asked them barely controlling my anger.

"What about it dear?" Aunty asked confused.

"Oh! She must be worried about admission. Don't worry dear, as your Aunt had your documents, we took care of the admission", Uncle  tried to assure me.

"There's only one college in here, what future should I expect from passing out from here?" I asked them again properly, seeing that they misunderstood my question at first.

Uncle looked towards Aunt with tension evident in his face but Aunt shook her head at him and turned her attention towards me, looking with a calm yet stern expression.

"Don't automatically assume that the college won't be good just because its the only one. One college is enough for this town's population. Plus you may also check on the internet, the college is ranked one of the best.

"Further more, if you are not happy with this college then you may go outside for further studies but these two years you will attend this college only", Aunt said with finality in her voice.

"But...", I started but Aunt interrupted me saying, "No buts, now don't argue and go to your room and sleep, it's quite late".

I didn't argue further knowing there was no use of talking as they had already made up their minds.

'Atleast I could choose where to study for my graduation', I thought sighing.


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