15- A new friend

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We had a blast while cooking food. Even though I messed up a lot, I still learned how to make one dish. Yeah yeah only one item, but that was good enough for a start.

After having a lots of fun during lunch, we had to do the tenious job of cleaning the kitchen.

Aunt's health was quite better now, so she stayed with us but Uncle prohibited her from cleaning. So she just sat there talking with us while we four cleaned the mess.

"Why are we all cleaning the kitchen when Dad and Trisha were the ones who messed it up?" Rishi complained.

"I agree", Raghav said, siding with his twin.

"Doesn't matter, now stop complaining and start cleaning", Aunty said sternly but everyone could see mirth in her eyes.

The twins groaned but being dutiful sons, they agreed and started working again.

Everyone retired to their rooms to take rest, once we finished as we all were tired of cleaning kitchen.

I was feeling refreshed after a short nap. Coming down, I saw only Aunt was awake, while everyone was still resting.

Not having anything to do as Aunt was also busy with her work, I left to take a walk in the park after informing Aunt that I would come back in a hour or so.


At the park:

I was walking around the park aimlessly, enjoying the cool breeze when I tripped over something and fell down scraping my knees. I was inspecting my wounds when I heard a loud wail.

Turning towards the sound I saw the same kid whom I met yesterday crying profusely.

Guilt ran through my veins, seeing her cry. She must have gotten hurt for her to cry so much.

"Are you okay? Where does it hurt?" I asked softly.

Hearing my question, she looked up and came towards me, marching angrily.

"You! Yesterday, you scared me and today you broke my stone castle. You are so bad", she said angrily while simultaneously looked sadly at the small stones splattered over the path.

"Stone castle?" I asked preplexed.

What the hell was stone castle?Whatever it maybe, I was glad that she wasn't hurt because of me and was just crying for some castle.

"Why not? Common people make sand castles, special people like me make stone castles", she replied looking at me as if I was dirt of her shoe.

"Now say sorry", she demanded narrowing her eyes.

Holding back my chuckle at her attitude, I did what she asked me to do.

I held my ears and apologized to her thinking why was it that whenever I saw her I ended up saying sorry.


I saw a girl of my age coming towards us yelling the name Sia.

She came near us and hugged the kid checking her if she was anywhere hurt. Not finding any wounds , she got confused and asked her why she was crying.

"You see Tanya, this bad girl broke my stone castle", Sia informed her pointing towards me.

Before I could explain, the kid again stated, "But now she is a good girl as she said sorry".

Tanya turned towards me chuckling and told me pointing towards Sia, "I'm this queen's elder sister".

I shook hands with her smiling and introduced myself.

Sia started making her castle once again, while we sat on a bench nearby.

"You are twin's cousin, right?" Tanya asked me.

"How did you know?" I questioned back raising my eyebrows, completely baffled with her question.

"Word goes around fast in this town", She answered chuckling.

"Good to know everyone knows me when I don't know a single soul here", I grumbled.

"Well you know me now", she said cheekily.

"Me too, you know me too and that's a pretty awesome thing", Sia added, coming towards us, leaving a half built castle behind.

"She's so cute", I said pinching her cheeks.

"Not my cheeks", Sia slapped my hands away and then turned towards tanya and said,"I'm tired, I will make my castle tomorrow".

"Alright time to go, say bye to didi", Tanya spoke to Sia, while standing up.

"But she is not my didi" , Sia said frowing cutely.

"But she is your didi's friend so that makes her your didi", Tanya told her.

"Ooo, okay bye didi", saying this she started running in circles around us until we finished exchanging numbers.

And that's how I made my first friend here.


Didi- Elder Sister
Also used for addressing girls elder to us but too young to be called aunty.

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