35- Talking things out

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Shutting the door of my room loudly, I sat down on my bed, taking out my frustration on my pillow by punching it continuously.

Actually, I wanted to throw and break everything in this room, to get rid of my frustration but knowing that it won't do me any good and would get me into more problem, I resorted to take my anger out on the pillow.

"Why are you punishing the poor pillow? It's not like the pillow was responsible for your hurt", Raghav said entering the room and shut the door calmly behind him.

"How did you enter? I had locked the door", I asked, my voice filled with anger.

He dangled the room keys, in response.

"That's breach of privacy", I stated incredulously.

"What privacy in cousins?" he asked cheekily.

"I could have been changing", I deadpanned.

His cheeks turned red with embarrassment, and a series of coughs left out of his mouth. He looked abashed for not thinking it through.

"Sorry, it won't happen again", he apologized in a low and sincere voice.

"It's okay", I nodded in response and turned my attention back to the pillow with a tired sigh.

Coming to sit beside me, he gently took that pillow from me.

"Trisha, we all are really sorry. Mom and Dad were really worried. You know they are already tensed because of what happened with Rishi and that day you too had fallen unconscious. Not finding you today made them think about the worst case scenarios and they took it out on you in a wrong way", Raghav tried to explain me their side of story.

"Of course. It's always the worry that causes you all to lash out at me", I snorted.

"Trisha, that's not...", he couldn't complete his sentence, looking thoroughly shocked.

"You all yell at me for not knowing the difference between city life and town life. You all accuse me for having exposed Rishi's secret. Then you people start commenting on my parent's upbringing and how they allowed me things. Rishi also pulled me away from my friends today, like I had done some crime.

"Of course, all this is because you all are worried for me and totally not because it is easy to take out your frustrations over someone who is not your family. I understand that I came into your lives unexpectedly and it must be a huge burden for you all, so it's easy to put the blame on me, everytime something happens", I spoke, wiping away the stray tears that betrayed me.

Raghav's face had turned pale upon hearing what I said. He didn't speak or even blinked for few seconds before coming out of his shocked reverie.

"You have...you have got it all wrong. Yes, you came into our lives unexpectedly but you are definitely not a burden. We seriously love and care for you. Yeah, I agree we did some mistakes. But the intention was never wrong. Both the times you got yelled, was because Mom and Dad were worried for you. I agree they didn't express their worries properly, but they never ever had bad intentions.

"About accusing you for what happened to Rishi, I totally agree that it was our fault. We shouldn't have done that but you were the only one who knew about them and it just happened and for that we would keep repenting. Please Trisha, don't think like this. You are our family now", Raghav frantically tried to change my thoughts about this situation.

"What if you were the only one who knew about Rishi's secret? Would he accuse you?" I asked with a knowing sad smile.

Raghav looked dumbfounded by my question.

"Let it be. Don't answer. I know he wouldn't have and it's totally okay. You both are twins and have known each other even before you were born and were in your mother's womb and I am just someone who entered in your lives few months ago. Building trust needs time and that was the reason, I forgave you both", I spoke, mentally hitting myself for even asking that question.

"We did you wrong so many times, didn't we?" Raghav asked with a sad chuckle.

"I don't care if you all yell at me or accuse me, just don't bring my parents in between those conversations. Please convey this message to Uncle and Aunt too", I requested.

"They never spoke anything bad about your parents", Raghav spoke with furrowed eyebrows.

Though he disagreed, he spoke in a gentle tone, probably not wanting to aggravate me further.

"Yeah, but they clearly stated that they didn't approve of the things my parents allowed me to do", I explained.

He nodded, thinking it through and then spoke.

"That's probably because your way of living clashes with how people live here", he spoke with a shrug.

"So you are saying that my parent's
were supposed to foreseen the future. They should have not taught me the ways of city, while we lived in a city but the ways of town life. Were they supposed to know that I would end up here and would have to adjust about every little thing?" I asked sarcastically.

"Damn. I was here to make things right but I am making it worse", Raghav mumbled to himself, while running his hand through his hair.

"Don't panic. Just inform everybody to not bring up my parents and we are good", I said chuckling.

"You...you are forgiving us?" he asked looking shocked out of mind.

"Yeah", I simply muttered with a small smile.

There was a huge smile on his face and he hugged me tightly, muttering a series of thank you's.

We pulled out of the hug and sat quietly for few minutes.

"Can I ask you a question?" he asked after a while.

I just hummed in response.

"As far as I have noticed, you always tend to forgive everyone quickly. Can I ask why? I mean, you were so hurt but you forgave us just like that. Even when we had accused you. Why?" he asked looking curious.

Shrugging I replied, "People come and go unexpectedly. I forgive everyone easily as I don't know when it would be our last meet. There were so many things I wanted to tell my parents but they left this world unexpectedly. I forgive everyone quickly as I don't want my last time with someone to be a bad memory".

A gentle smile rose on his face upon hearing my answer.

"I like your way of thinking. I will try to apply it in my life too", he said in an inspired tone.

He soon bid bye and went downstairs to inform everybody about the latest update of our lives.


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