26- Accusation

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Rishi kept giving me nervous glances throughout the day, worried that I would tell someone.

"Heya! You still awake?" Rishi asked coming hesitantly to my room.

We finished dinner long ago. I had assumed that the twins would have been asleep till now, as the usual voice of their banter had stopped about an hour ago.

"Yeah, I was just reading the novel. The interesting part was going on, so I couldn't put it down and go to sleep", I answered sheepishly as it had got quite late.

"You needed something?" I asked, raising one eyebrow, as the twins usually avoided coming to my room at night, to give me privacy.

"Ah! Yes. I wanted to talk about what you saw in the morning", Rishi said, looking so scared. He was literally shivering because of nervousness.

I barely controlled myself from lashing out at him. I had assured him but he still kept getting nervous.

Looking at his shivering form and  remembering the panic I saw on the faces of both Rishi and Manav this morning, I knew screaming at him won't be beneficial. I had to comfort and assure him calmly and that's what I did for most part of the night.


Next day morning:

I got ready early today as I received Nikhil's message to come early as he wanted to show us something, he had brought from his grandparents home. We were going to meet before the lectures started. 

Everyone was having breakfast at the dining table when I informed them about going early. They all nodded and I left the house waving bye.

Tanya and Nikhil were already standing near our college gate when I reached. We waited impatiently for Riya to come as Nikhil refused to give us a glimpse before everybody was here.

"Finally!!" Tanya and I exclaimed in unison when Riya came. Nikhil then showed us an antique piece, which was gifted to him by his grandparents.

It was really beautiful. We all took turns to take it in our hands. After admiring it for some more time, Nikhil kept it back in his bag safely.

We talked for a bit and then entered the college and were confused seeing everyone talking in hushed whispers.

"What's happening? Does anyone has any idea?" I asked to no one in particular

"Must be some rumour", Riya guessed, while shaking her head, annoyed with the students behaviour.

Before anyone of us could speak more, I saw Raghav and Rishi coming towards us. Raghav looked enraged while Rishi was continuously wiping his tears.

"Woah! what happened?" I asked worried, looking at their expressions

"So this was the reason you came early today, how can you do this?" Rishi asked looking hurt.

"What are you talking about Rishi?" I questioned back, confused as to why he was blaming me and for what?

"Don't act like your innocent, not after you told everyone about my relation with Manav", Rishi deadpanned,  accusation clear in his eyes.

"Rishi, I swear I didn't", I tried to make him believe me.

"Only you knew about us and now everyone knows. What should I make out of it? Do you know what you have done? Everyone is laughing at us, making fun of us, people even wrote dirty messages on my locker, but why would you care about what has happened with us?

"All my life I have been everybody's friend and now I don't think, I would have even one", Rishi spoke while crying, though his words were filled with anger, his voice was full of hurt. After speaking his part, he went away without listening to my side of story.

"Dad has called us all home", Raghav informed me turning away to follow Rishi.

"Raghav, please atleast you try to believe me. I didn't do this", I called out after his back, pleading him to understand.

He turned and looked at me with sad eyes and said, "I would have trusted you with my closed eyes, if the matter was of someone else but this is my twin, we are talking about".

He too left after saying this and I kept staring at their retreating figure.

"Trisha", Tanya called out to me gently.

"Tanya you know I was with you guys, I didn't do it", I told her hoping atleast she would believe me.

"I know dear, they will too believe you. They are just too hurt right now. Give them some time", She reassured me, patting my shoulders.

"Hopefully", I muttered with a sigh.

"I will talk to you guys later, I need to go home", I told them bidding them bye.


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