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I pulled the covers up to my chin. I probably looked like a child in Kane's massive bed. I watched as he started to take off his clothes to join me here.

Despite everything I had been through I could not stop the dull ache low in my belly as he revealed his body to me.

My head was pounding. But I wanted to know everything that happened.

"Kane please tell me."

"Hera not tonight. For both our sakes. Please?"

I sighed heavily but my heart sympathized with him. We both experienced something traumatic tonight. Even if I was ready he wasn't and I needed to respect that.

"You're right Kane. I'm sorry. Come to bed."

He slowly stepped towards the bed, it wasn't meant to be erotic and yet it was. He slid in next to me. And his arms brought me close.

"I'm so happy you're safe. Hera I was so scared." A tear slid from his eye as he spoke. "I— I don't know what I would have done if he hurt you or god forbid... I still couldn't think of it. I should have been there to protect you but these useless eyes!"

I encircled his hands with my own. "Kane if he wanted to hurt me vision wouldn't have changed anything. You came without regard to your own safety, you came. That means something to me."

Despite the pounding headache and recent trauma I placed my lips to his. I could remember thinking of him as Tom leered over me and here he was real and in front of me. No amount of pain could take that away.

We kissed slowly. His fingers found their way to my hair gently holding my head to him. And mine lay on his chest feeling his breath quicken and his heart beat. He was real.

Before I could pull him closer he pulled back. "Hera you need to rest. And this is not resting."

"It would relax me at the very least." I smiled wide.

"Hera who's insatiable now? And as much as I want to take you, we shouldn't. Turn around so I stop kissing you."

I did as he asked, begrudgingly.

Kane strong arms wrapped around me pulling my back to his side. And he played lazy circles over my arms as the pain medicine for my head began to kick in.

"I love you Hera." Was the last thing I heard before I drifted off to sleep.


It had been almost a month since my incident with Tom. He was transferred back to whatever hole he crawled out of.  Apparently several more women came forward after hearing the story of my attempted rape. We were going full steam ahead and if I needed to get up on the stand I would no matter the pain. He belonged behind bars.

And I was finally packing up my apartment. I hadn't been back since that night. Everyone insisted on coming with me. They were all afraid I was going to finally snap, I think.

I hadn't cried or freaked out since that night. A few bad dreams but they always ended with Kane on his white horse. Kane had encouraged Me to see a therapist just to talk things through but in reality I only remembered bits and pieces of the whole thing. Kane always made me feel safe with him and he had also spent no expense to make sure Tom stayed behind bars. And knowing that creep couldn't hurt anyone else was enough for me.

We all carried boxes up the stairs to my studio. I didn't have much to pack so I really didn't need all the boxes or the hands but I appreciated my friends greatly.

I watched Penny and Enzo get to packing my living room. I had seen them together frequently since my hospital stay. Hopefully Kane had the inside information because I hadn't had the chance to gossip with Penny since I hadn't worked.

Grayson packed the kitchen and Kane and I headed to my bedroom. He was over the moon I had "officially" decided to move in with him. And I agreed to work less, and focus on school.



"Are you happy? To move in together?"

"Of course! Kane I'm happy to be with you. Why are asking such a silly question." I continued to pack my dresser as he appeared to be pondering the situation.

"It's just—"

"Kane if you bring up something we have already discussed like your vision or your money I swear I'll leave you here." I said jokingly but he shut his mouth stopping any further insecurities from coming out.
Since the incident he had mentioned several times that I could do better than a man who couldn't see. And every time I stopped him and reassured.

I halted my packing and walked to my man. Kane was sitting on the edge of the bed. His body and face pointed in my direction. I turned until we were toe to toe and placed my hands on his face.

"Kane enough. I mean it. I'm fine, you're fine. Cant you be happy?"

"I am! Having you closer is all I've wanted since I met you. You know that." As he spoke his arms wrapped around my waist and I brought his head to my chest.

"I love you Kane. Stop. Or I'm going to make you sleep on the couch."

"You're right Hera I'm sorry." I leaned down to press my lips to his. It still made the butterflies reek havoc  on my stomach.

I spent the next 45 minutes packing up me meager belongings. We weren't taking any furniture so we carried the boxes down and loaded up Grayson's big truck. I left a bowl of food and water at the door for Titan. He belonged to the streets that wild cat.

I turned in my keys and waved goodbye to my little home. It was no longer the safe space it had been for me.  Instead my home was now with Kane. Safe and protected.

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