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I hated days like this. Meeting after meeting after meeting. Grayson was so much better suited for the business end of things.

If I had my vision I would be in the kitchen not at a conference table. Not to mention I was anxious to be with my woman again. I hated that she was taking the bus home. I should have arranged for another car to get her. Better yet a car to drive herself. The new idea took hold maybe a Christmas present?

"Kane...Kane!" Grayson voice broke my idea filled brain. "Hey brother are you in space? It's time to meet with contractors over FaceTime."

I hadn't even realized the conference had cleared out. I needed to focus. These decisions were important. After the contractors we were interviewing potential Executive Chefs for the Miami space. I texted Hera to let her know I was thinking of her and turned my ringer low to help me focus.

The meeting with the contractors went great. No building issues or problems which was a near miracle. The three of us headed across the street for lunch at a nearby brewery and toasted to our luck.

"So Kane how's the lady?" Enzo prodded. "You've had a faraway look about you all day."

"Oh man she's great! She is so excited to see Miami. We've been together everyday since Hawaii. I uh I told her I love her."

I took Grayson and Enzo's silence for surprise and smiled back. When I talked about Hera I couldn't keep it off my face anyway. The silence continued and realized they were talking to each other in silence.

"Just say it guys."

Grayson spoke first, of course. "Things are just moving really fast Winnie. We've never seen you like this before."

"Look I know you're worried but I'm telling you I trust her. Get to know her Gray."

"She seemed really great Kane it's not that it's just-"

"I'm not helpless." My smile dropped. I knew where this conversation was going. "She is not taking advantage of me because I'm blind!"

Enzo piped in, "come on Kane its not like that."

"Oh really then how the fuck is it?!" My whispered anger was quickly getting louder.

Gray again, "Winnie calm down. We want you to be happy and if she makes you happy then we're good. We are just trying to keep you from going in this with blinders on....shit...you know what I mean."

I couldn't help but laugh, the anger that had risen quickly had finished just as quickly.

"Ok...ok fine." I put my arms up in defeat. "I'll be careful, try to take it slower. But I meant it when I said I love her. She's the one guys I know it."

Grayson didn't believe in love and Enzo was in love with all women so they didn't understand. But that's ok because Hera was mine. And with her I knew.

The three of us finished lunch, avoiding any subject of my love life instead bringing conversation back to Miami and our interviews. We paid and headed back to our office for them.

The interviews had run longer than we wanted but we found some great applicants. A few local and willing to relocate and one who already resides in Miami. The plan was to meet her on our trip.

I packed up and said my goodbye quickly. Jackson was already waiting for me as I was a running behind. Hera would already be home by now and I ached to be near her. I closed my eyes bringing her face to my mind before stepping out to my car.

I slid into the smooth seat of the SUV and buckled up before pulling out my phone to send Hera a quick text letting her know I was on my way.

She didn't respond right away so I used the drive to listen to my voicemails.
Hera called. I was elated. I missed her so much. I played the voicemail.

"Kane I'm uh so sorry call to you. You're busy. I mean it was nothing but I really need you. I'm sorry. It's—it's just that Tom, he....uh, he..... uh. He scared me."

I was clutching the phone to my ear now. Her sniffles and fear evident in the message. My blood was boiling my mind reeling.
"I'm on the bus going home. I'll see you soon. And Kane I love you."

I could hear the fear in her voice. My heart started to race. "Jackson! Take my phone tell me when Hera called!"

I extended my arm and felt Jackson giant hand take my phone.

"Almost an hour ago."

"Jackson...please" my voice broke as fear and anxiety built in me. She needed me and I wasn't there. And I don't know what that creep did but I would do what I had to make sure that never happened again.

"Kane we are almost there, everything's going to be ok."

"Just drive faster."

BlindsidedOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora